Linkage: 23 January, 2025 – Statism, Smartphones, WuVaxx. The Second Three Curses on White People.
The first three curses are women, niggers, and kikes.
But you already knew that.
I need to get some stuff out there. I will not get around to talking about these things but you need to know about them.
Most important is this. To quote someone in the Telegram group:
Pretty sure I need to re-listen to this STO every year for the rest of my life. Just as a refresher..
@CynLibSoc you fuckin nailed it with this one.
.. I’m just annoyed it took me 10 years to find it.
If you have not listened to this four part podcast I recorded in 2014 you must listen to this now. I’m not fucking with you nor stroking my own cock. This was one of my moments of genius.
This series will hurt your brain and your feelz.
All the way from women electrocution puppies because they were told to:
To the highly intelligent listens of muh podcast showing they have self-awareness. Unlike women.
I am the commenter who’s comment you did this podcast on, and I must say, you mowed me down with that machine gun pretty damn mercilessly, nice work! Thank you for doing this podcast! I actually learned something from it, and that is that I had not considered the difference between persistent fear, and immediate fear when I wrote the comment. Normally I’m not the agreeable sort, I often play devils advocate just to get under a persons skin. But in this case, I do agree with everything you expressed about statists living in a state of persistent, perpetual fear. So excellent show, and thanks for giving another point of view on the topic, and something to think about! Damned excellent indeed!
Meanwhile the smartphone continues to be the most evil invention we’ve ever created. What about women you ask? Men didn’t create women. God did that. And boy did God fuck that one up.
Apple last year deployed a mechanism for identifying landmarks and places of interest in images stored in the Photos application on its customers iOS and macOS devices and enabled it by default, seemingly without explicit consent.
Apple customers have only just begun to notice.
The feature, known as Enhanced Visual Search, was called out last week by software developer Jeff Johnson, who expressed concern in two write-ups about Apple’s failure to explain the technology, which is believed to have arrived with iOS 18.1 and macOS 15.1 on October 28, 2024.
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While there’s no evidence at this point that contradicts Apple’s privacy assertions, the community concern has more to do with the way in which Apple deployed this technology.
“It’s very frustrating when you learn about a service two days before New Years and you find that it’s already been enabled on your phone,” said Matthew Green, associate professor of computer science at the Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute in the US.
The Register asked Apple to comment, and as usual we’ve received no reply. We note that lack of communication is the essence of the community discontent.
“My objection to Apple’s Enhanced Visual Search is not the technical details specifically, which are difficult for most users to evaluate, but rather the fact that Apple has taken the choice out of my hands and enabled the online service by default,” said Johnson in his second post.
Your phone. Apple’s choice.
Apple has agreed to pay $95 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that its voice assistant Siri routinely recorded private conversations that were then shared with third parties and used for targeted ads.
In the proposed class-action settlement—which comes after five years of litigation—Apple admitted to no wrongdoing. Instead, the settlement refers to “unintentional” Siri activations that occurred after the “Hey, Siri” feature was introduced in 2014, where recordings were apparently prompted without users ever saying the trigger words, “Hey, Siri.”
Sometimes Siri would be inadvertently activated, a whistleblower told The Guardian, when an Apple Watch was raised and speech was detected. The only clue that users seemingly had of Siri’s alleged spying was eerily accurate targeted ads that appeared after they had just been talking about specific items like Air Jordans or brands like Olive Garden, Reuters noted (claims which remain disputed).
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Meanwhile, Google faces a similar lawsuit in the same district from plaintiffs represented by the same firms over its voice assistant, Reuters noted. A win in that suit could affect anyone who purchased “Google’s own smart home speakers, Google Home, Home Mini, and Home Max; smart displays, Google Nest Hub, and Nest Hub Max; and its Pixel smartphones” from approximately May 18, 2016 to today, a December court filing noted. That litigation likely won’t be settled until this fall.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. Speaking of things that are like women. Coloured men. Turns out maybe coloured men don’t have too much testosterone. They have too much . . . wait for it . . . serum estrogen.
Who could have seen this coming?
Serum estrogen, but not testosterone, levels differ between black and white men in a nationally representative sample of Americans
Sabine Rohrmann, William G Nelson, Nader Rifai, Terry R Brown, Adrian Dobs, Norma (((Kanarek))), James D Yager, Elizabeth A Platz
Context: Higher testosterone in black compared with white men has been postulated to explain their higher prostate cancer incidence. Previous studies comparing hormone levels by race might have been limited by size, restricted age variation, or lack of representation of the general population.
Objective: Our objective was to compare serum testosterone, estradiol, and SHBG concentrations among non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic white, and Mexican-American men.
Participants, design, and setting: A total of 1413 men aged 20+ yr and who attended the morning examination session of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) in 1988-1991 were included in this cross-sectional study.
Measurement: Serum hormone concentrations were measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassays.
Results: After applying sampling weights and adjusting for age, percent body fat, alcohol, smoking, and activity, testosterone concentrations were not different between non-Hispanic blacks (n = 363; geometric mean, 5.29 ng/ml) and non-Hispanic whites (n = 674; 5.11 ng/ml; P > 0.05) but were higher in Mexican-Americans (n = 376; 5.48 ng/ml; P < 0.05). Non-Hispanic blacks (40.80 pg/ml) had a higher estradiol concentration than non-Hispanic whites (35.46 pg/ml; P < 0.01) and Mexican-Americans (34.11 pg/ml; P < 0.01). Non-Hispanic blacks (36.49 nmol/liter) had a higher SHBG concentration than non-Hispanic whites (34.91 nmol/liter; P < 0.05) and Mexican-Americans (35.04 nmol/liter; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Contrary to the postulated racial difference, testosterone concentrations did not differ notably between black and white men. However, blacks had higher estradiol levels. Mexican-Americans had higher testosterone than whites but similar estradiol and SHBG concentrations. Given these findings, it may be equally if not more important to investigate estradiol as testosterone in relation to diseases with racial disparity.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. There use to be a website called Stuff White People Like. It was fucking hilarious. You can find it on the Wayback Machine.
This is one of my favourite posts.
Why? Because like all good humour – it’s true.
One of the easiest ways to create something that white people will like is to create something that will allow them to feel smart but doesn’t require a large amount of work, time, or effort. There is, however, a catch. Whatever it is that you create cannot be a shortcut. You see white people like the idea of getting smarter quickly, but they don’t like the idea of people thinking that they are lazy. It is a bit of a paradox, but it does explain why white people only like Cliff Notes if they are part of some sort of hilarious college story about last-minute studying for an exam. And why they consider it highly unacceptable to use cliff notes or Wikipedia to get a rough understanding of a book you don’t want to read.
Unfortunately being able to create something that makes you feel smarter without having to do a lot of work has been very difficult. So only a few ideas have ever gained traction with white people, the most notable of which being documentary films and public radio. However, in the past decade a new item has been added to this very short list-TED Talks.
The TED Conference is an invite-only affair that brings together the smartest minds from around the world to share their knowledge and wisdom with the attendees. Additionally all of the talks are made available online and as podcasts so that white people are able to watch or listen to them at work or during their commute.
These talks are like college lectures, except that they are free to listen, shorter, and white people aren’t hung over and pretending to listen.
Due to the broad audience watching the talks, TED speakers generally take very complex ideas and boil them down into a simple engaging presentation. So when a white person finds out that you have a PhD and visits and attempts to engage you in a conversation about String Theory, you should know that all of their understanding comes from a twenty-minute talk they listened to while running on a treadmill. You should also be aware that the average white person considers their knowledge on the subject to be on par or superior to yours.
Sadly, TED Talks are not all roses and NPR approved comedians. For many white people, TED Conferences are actually a source of sadness and depression. This comes from their dreams to attend a future TED Conference in person. But with a price tag of $6000 and an invite-only policy, many white people are simply unable to attend. This is a new concept for white people as they have successfully been creating and joining expensive exclusive clubs for over one thousand years. Popular examples include: private schools, politics, and ice hockey.
Note: It is not advised to try to use sarcasm when trying to console a white person about their lack of an invitation to the TED conference.
“It must hard for you not being able to get into an expensive, invitation only club. As a non-white person, lets just say I have some experience in that field.”
“You didn’t get into MENSA either huh?”
There there is stuff I like. Star Trek. The original Star Trek. Being as there is no other Star Trek. Just queer people in funny costumes pretending to boldly go.
I fucking hate diplomats. The last time I let those gold-braided cologne-scarfing bugfuckers on my ship, I got a shiv in my gut, Spock’s dad had a heart attack, some pig-faced periwig got garroted and First Officer Slanty Brows had an emotional breakdown. I didn’t get laid once at any of those starched-underpants diplomat receptions. So imagine my thrill when Starfleet orders me to take yet another pinstriped plenipotentiary with a god complex halfway across the raping galaxy, to planet Eminiar Roman Numeral Bite Me. I can tell I’m fixing someone else’s clusterfuck, because surprise surprise, yet another freaking Starfleet ship disappeared there years ago. The way the limpdicks at Starfleet keep losing spacecraft, I hope they stamp them out like cake pans because at this rate all we’ll have left in six months is a recycled Soyuz and a hot air balloon.
Well, fuck me harder but this retard-o-mat on a mission doesn’t even throw a single party. No Organian wine, no crab dip. In fact, the only thing I see pass this stiff’s lips are a tin of synthetic sardines and tonic water mouthwash. And judging from the way he dresses that isn’t all he gargles. So we make orbit and beam down to babysit Ambassador My Shit Doesn’t Stink. In the first really funny thing that happened on this entire stumblefuck of a trip, the dudes that he wants to jawbone with throw us all in jail, and that wipes the grin off of his face faster than Chekhov turns vodka into piss. I don’t know who designed the uniforms for the prison guards but they all look like they got hand-me-downs from Mummenschanz and hats from garden gnomes. This tells me we’re dealing with major pussies so I’m not too worried when we find out that the entire ship is just supposed to beam down and walk into laser-powered wood chippers. Yeah, that’s right. They’re having a fake war with another planet and we’re supposed to be killed just for kibitzing.
Now this shit is really twisted, so mainline a little Klingon meth to stay with me. These retards aren’t really having a war, they’re playing a goddamn videogame. And when they count score, they cash in their own people. Pussies? I’ve never seen a planet so full of pussies and never will again if I live to eleventy billion. They actually kill themselves because they lose a freaking videogame. Talk about sore losers. Think about the absolute fucknuttery of this. They got rid of all the cool war stuff like gigantic hulking ships with a phaser turret every square meter, and kept the bad stuff… like the freaking DEATH, you leotarded, kaftan-wearing nutless nimrods. You want to know the definition of a pussy? A guy who walks into a phone booth designed to microwave you into meat fumes because he gets a call from the county clerk saying “Mr. Noodledick, your Congressman lost his game of Super Mario Genocide Edition. Please eliminate yourself.” If you can think of a better definition of a pussy, fucking send me a subspace telegram by special delivery because I’ll bet a kidney you can’t.
Anyway, pretty quick we break out of jail because – think about it… If these guys are dumb enough to walk into incinerators to support the local sheriff, they can’t be that bright at locking down and hiding stuff. And they’re not. We find our communicators and weapons in some cheap wooden credenza that looks like it was nailed together by an industrial robot with rusty arms and a kernel panic. Then I get Scotty on the line. I give my very favorite order of all time, next to “Drop ’em, Space Tits.” General Order 24. You heard it baby, General Order 24. Turn the planet into the biggest glass marble this side of the cosmological horizon. Enough glass to make ashtrays for every bureaucrat in Starfleet, and believe me, there are a lot of them. Thank God Scotty is sober enough to take the order, so now I’ve got the attention of these pussies in their game room. Oh, pardon me, pussies. The “Eminiar War Council.”
Right about then I’m ready to show this limpdick ambassador who dragged us out here how useless he really is. I blow up their videogame console. The pussies whine that now this means real war, and I go into full rant overdrive. I’m strutting up and down their game room, my chest is puffed out, I’m barking rhetorical claptrap like “We can decide not to kill, today!” and “I’m a barbarian. You said it yourself.” and “Face the horrors of war, or talk!” “Peace!” “Bugfuckery!” Well, I may not have said that last bit but know I was thinking it. I swear I had a raging hard-on. I lectured like I was tearing through an Antares whorehouse at warp nine. I fucking did the diplomat’s lousy job for him. I ended a phony war that was eating these spineless wankers alive, and does he thank me for my trouble? No, he just wants to stay behind with these space lemmings and talk some more. Freaking man-gargling gasbag.
With a vision of wisdom so profound a Rigelian flatworm could see it, the Eminiar Council of Pussies decides that maybe having a real war isn’t really worth it. I mean, holy hyperfuck… Their “enemy” isn’t even on the same freaking planet. Besides, they put their entire defense budget into videogames and drive-thru disintegrators, so they couldn’t fight a war even if they wanted, which they didn’t. Which proves yet again that this was truly the Planet of Pussies.
The next time I get sent to the flat end of the galaxy I want to visit the Planet of Pussy. There’s a big difference.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. WuVaxx deaths.
I interviewed Fabian Spieker who is a data scientist in Germany who has looked at the US data and discovered that the COVID vaccines are associated with increased mortality, particularly one 3 month period where he believes over 100,000 excess deaths were caused by the shots.
He also said never in his life have any of his friends had a cardiovascular adverse event. Since the shots rolled out, 8 people he knows experienced a serious CV event within 1 week of their vaccination, and all 8 of them are aged 45 and younger. Do you think it was just a coincidence?
Last Thursday, Lara Logan said she knew 20 people who died from the COVID vaccine but just 1 from COVID.
There are simply too many of these anecdotes from credible people for the COVID vaccine to be safe.
I personally know 2 people who died from the vaccine, many who were seriously injured, but I don’t know anyone who died from COVID.
You may notice, should you follow the link, there is no link on this page to the video interview. This is why there should be an intelligence test to post on the internet. Don’t fucking pimp your interview without a link to – I dunno – the fucking interview you are pimping.
Here is the guy’s Fagstack:
And some data without context:
I’m all about the fake and gay of the WuVaxx. But when you are going to call fake and gay fake and gay you have to put some fucking effort into it. Such as a fucking link to the fucking interview in which you fucking call the fucking fake and gay WuVaxx fake and gay.
Fuck me.
Having done that rant let me tell you I know The Burning Platform is an advertising/spam site. But they do publish some good stuff.
I am going to make this really snappy. I don’t think anyone has really talked about this before, so I just want to get it out there.
These two charts give you an idea how safe and effective COVID vaccines were in pregnant women:
Of all women who died during pregnancy throughout 2020, less than 2% died with a diagnosis of O98.5 (other viral disease complicating pregnancy).
Once vaccines were introduced this number shot up and peaked at almost 40% in September, 2021. The large spike in summer is not due to a delay of harmful effects, but because vaccinating in Q3 was MUCH more dangerous than vaccinating in Q1 or Q2 (and the proportion of pregnant women who considered gene therapeutics in pregnancy a good idea probably increased throughout the year – thanks to the marketing campaign).
Here’s the problem.
You are asking me to care about pregnant women.
Ya know who is responsible for 100% of white babies aborted?
Pregnant women.
Ya know who is responsible for 100% of mixed race babies not aborted?
Pregnant women.
I’m looking for sympathy and finding nothing.
Speaking of (((people))) I have no sympathy for…
On September 22 of last year, Michel (((Goldman))), a Belgian immunologist and one of Europe’s best-known champions of medical research, walked into a clinic near his house, rolled up his sleeve, and had a booster shot delivered to his arm. He knew he’d need it more than most.
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Within a few days, though, Michel was somehow feeling even worse. His night sweats got much more intense, and he found himself—quite out of character—taking afternoon naps. Most worryingly, his lymph nodes were even more swollen than before. He conferred with Serge again, and they set up another body scan for September 30, six days before Michel was scheduled to start his cancer treatment. Once again he sat in the radiology waiting room while his brother waited for the pictures to appear on his computer.
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I reached out to the makers of the mRNA COVID vaccines to ask about Michel’s case. A representative for Pfizer noted that the company takes such reports “very seriously” but that, “to date, there has been no identified correlation between the vaccine and cancer.” Moderna’s chief medical officer, Paul Burton, told me that the company keeps careful track of safety data and has not found any relationship between vaccination and lymphoma. He also pointed to the case of a 61-year-old woman with cancer of the salivary gland whose tumor shrank to about one-quarter of its original size in the month after she received a second dose of the Moderna vaccine. “Now, did it really regress because the person got a messenger RNA vaccine?” he asked. “I don’t know. I think biology is truly a remarkable thing.”
While Michel remains unsure about his fourth shot, he has continued to be outspoken on the benefits of vaccination overall, and often speaks to Belgian media on the topic. At the same time, he has become a stronger advocate for broader tracking of adverse events from vaccines—an endeavor he and others in drug development call “pharmacovigilance.” “We need to make sure that some pharmacovigilance programs are powered to detect very, very rare side effects,” Michel told me. Eichler, who was involved in drug regulation for the European Medicines Agency, said that while some doctors may be “aficionados” of randomized controlled trials as the only valid source of medical evidence, other types of information are needed. Michel’s case shows why: You’ve got a patient “who is a professor of medicine, who experiences the side effects and says, ‘Okay, this must be a side effect,’” Eichler said. That “rings the bells. Could Michel have ever come up in an RCT? My answer is probably not.”
Look how loyal (((Jews))) are to (((the agenda))). Despite being personally harmed by the WuVaxx “he has continued to be outspoken on the benefits of vaccination overall, and often speaks to Belgian media on the topic.”
Now that’s taking one for the team. White people could learn from this.
Ya know what white people can’t learn? Science.
The Origins of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Including but Not Limited to the Federal Government’s Funding of Gain-of-Function Research
COVID-19 ORIGIN: COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The FIVE strongest arguments in favor of the “lab leak” theory include:
The virus possesses a biological characteristic that is not found in nature.
Data shows that all COVID-19 cases stem from a single introduction into humans. This runs contrary to previous pandemics where there were multiple spillover events.
Wuhan is home to China’s foremost SARS research lab, which has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels.
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) researchers were sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market.
By nearly all measures of science, if there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced.
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GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH: A lab-related incident involving gain-of-function research is most likely the origin of COVID-19. Current government mechanisms for overseeing this dangerous gain-of-function research are incomplete, severely convoluted, and lack global applicability.
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SOCIAL DISTANCING: The “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation — which shut down schools and small business across the country — was arbitrary and not based on science. During closed door testimony, Dr. Fauci testified that the guidance, “sort of just appeared.”
MASK MANDATES: There was no conclusive evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19. Public health officials flipped-flopped on the efficacy of masks without providing Americans scientific data — causing a massive uptick in public distrust.
LOCKDOWNS: Prolonged lockdowns caused immeasurable harm to not only the American economy, but also to the mental and physical health of Americans, with a particularly negative effect on younger citizens. Rather than prioritizing the protection of the most vulnerable populations, federal and state government policies forced millions of Americans to forgo crucial elements of a healthy and financially sound life.
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COVID-19 VACCINE: Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.
RUSHED COVID-19 VACCINE APPROVAL: The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to meet the Biden Administration’s arbitrary mandate timeline. Two leading FDA scientists warned their colleagues about the dangers of rushing the vaccine approval process and the likelihood of adverse events. They were ignored, and days later, the Biden Administration mandated the vaccine.
VACCINE MANDATES: Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good. The Biden Administration coerced healthy Americans into compliance with COVID-19 vaccine mandates that trampled individual freedoms, harmed military readiness, and disregarded medical freedom to force a novel vaccine on millions of Americans without sufficient evidence to support their policy decisions.
NATURAL IMMUNITY: Public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity — which is acquired through previous COVID-19 infection — when developing vaccine guidance and mandates.
Access the full report here:
And this my friends and enemies is why you must believe authority.
Questioning authority has become too much of a good thing, and it’s killing people
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In the last year, millions of Americans have come to believe that local and state election officials allowed a presidential election to be stolen, and to suspect that public-health officials and medical experts have ulterior motives in trying to get as many people as possible vaccinated for the deadly coronavirus – despite no real evidence to support either belief.
These authorities are not misusing their authority, but Donald Trump and some of his allies who are in the business of spouting opinion would have you at least suspect that they are. They want you to listen instead to them, for their own selfish reasons. They may say, “Do your own research,” but for too many that means following a social-media post into a rabbit hole of misinformation – or even disinformation, which is purposeful misinformation from Russians or whoever.
These voices also disparage news media, some of which have become too partisan and too reliant on opinion in their hunger for audience. But they still have allegiance to fact, and facts are what democracy needs to function well. The news business pays for journalism, which practices a discipline of verification. In a news story, the reporter says how he or she knows something, or attributes it to someone who is quoted or paraphrased. Social media have little discipline and hardly any verification. Whom should you believe?
What’s really funny is this comment on the above post.
Bill Townsend says:
September 29, 2021 at 8:23 amYou are supposed to be a professor of journalism. I don’t understand how you have presented a piece like this.
Bill. You are a fucking idiot, race traitor, and cuck. Al Cross is, and I quote:
a professor in the University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Media and director of its Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues. His opinions are his own, not UK’s. He was the longest-serving political writer for the Louisville Courier Journal (1989-2004) and national president of the Society of Professional Journalists in 2001-02. He joined the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame in 2010.
Al Cross is a idiot, race traitor, and cuck. What the fuck would you expect him to present?
White people – like all races – exist on a bell curve. All and Bill are on the lower end of the bell curve and have more in common than they know.
Like all low intelligence people of all races (yes, race exists) they don’t want you to think for yourself. You must not do you own research. Don’t test your drinking water. Don’t do math. Don’t believe anything you see on the internet unless it comes from an approved source. Never never never ever question much thin blue line.
You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science
(((Ethan Siegel)))
Senior Contributor. . . . .
Even those of us with excellent critical thinking skills and lots of experience trying to dig up the truth behind a variety of claims are lacking one important asset: the scientific expertise necessary to understand any finds or claims in the context of the full state of knowledge of your field. It’s part of why scientific consensus is so remarkably valuable: it only exists when the overwhelming majority of qualified professionals all hold the same consistent professional opinion. It truly is one of the most important and valuable types of expertise that humanity has ever developed.
But only if we listen to it. It’s absolutely foolish to think that you, a non-expert who lacks the very scientific expertise necessary to evaluate the claims of experts, are going to do a better job than the actual, bona fide experts of separating truth from fiction or fraud. When we “do the research for ourselves,” we almost always wind up digging in deeper to our own knee-jerk positions, rather than deferring to the professional opinions of the consensus of experts.
Look y’all. This is written by a Jew. This must be coincidence right? A Jew? I’m saying total coincidence right? Right?!
You do have the ability to detect coincidences don’t you?
Editors Note: This post was written while listening to Rush (the band, not the talk show host) at loud volume and drinking gin. There may be spelling and grammatical errors.
P.S. Kill niggers and Jews.
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The tatted chick that rants about, “FAGGOTS!” and crayon flags is Melonie Mac.