Linkage: 25 February, 2020 – Frank Cervi’s Kampf? What About TGO’s Kampf? #CLSology
The Great One sits down at the computer to write linkage and . . .
I don’t know yet. I just started. Is TGO going to exhamine Adam Piggott’s post about homosexuals coming for/on/in your children? Even TGO doesn’t know right this moment.
You may wonder how it is that TGO knows not his own future. Let The Great One tell you about it. All of us, yes even The Great One, Himself – founder of the Cynical Libertarian Society, on the internet since 1999, podcasting for 15 years, who is right, has always been right, will always be right, who has never been wrong, you’re welcome – even The Great One has his struggles.
I grant you this. My struggles pale in comparison to the struggles of, the pure kampf experienced by, Frank Cervi as he flew to Vegas yet again. Probably to play golf with Aaron Clarey who was going to write a book about Millennials but apparently didn’t.
After everyone has been herded like cattle into the tight space that is our steel coffin for the remainder of our 4-hours together, the airport’s henchmen close the air-locked doors, sealing our fate for fun. Heading to sunny, hot, Las Vegas.
We have to wait 4-fucking-hours to meet our fates (lots of fun!) We have to struggle, wiggle and flail uncomfortably in our stay, waiting for that sweet release. I can see the plight now of the Jew now, however, they didn’t have to wait a whole 4-hours. It was more like <4 min.
Yes, the Jews were gassed in those tight spaces.
I can relate. Have you ever sat beside two fat black women, one of which had farted multiple times throughout the duration of our flight, letting off a veritable canister’s worth of methane no more than a foot away from you? Yeah, forget about the Jews for just one second.
This is mein kampf!
Being gassed for 4-hours; being gassed for 4 minutes. No contest, Jews.
It’s not a competition, but again, I digress.
What is on par with being gassed for 4-hours by a fat black chick?
Answer: Having to stare at mediocre and gay flight attendants.
Mein Kampf!!
This is one of the funniest podcast I’ve ever listened to. I suggest you grab a bottle of your favourite hooch and make a drinking game out of it. Every time you hear a (((Jew))) joke – drink. Some of them are very subtle so you’ve gotta pay attention.
While Frank is off in Vegas struggling to recover from being in a tight box (normally a good thing if you know what I mean) with mediocre and gay flight attendants (as if there were any other kind in 2020) I, The Great One, Him-fucking-self, also face Mein own Kampf.
Let TGO tell you about it.
I go to Frank’s website and I see this.
It’s the cover of the latest issue of C|Suite and right there is says “Blogging Off – What “I’m quitting my blog” says about your genitalia.” and I’m all interested in reading this.
I know what you’re saying.
“Great One. You can’t fucking read. I’ve heard you attempt to read on your podcast. You suck at reading the way women suck at . . . everything. To include being feminine.”
You mean how women suck at things like . . . parking their cars?
Have you seen this?
Women are so bad at parking that you can see it from space. From. Fucking. Space.
Women can do it all. Women deserve it all. They can’t park a fucking car between the lines yet they deserve a man who is better than a man with money, a career, a car and a condo who is dumb enough to marry her.
To close open loops from yesterday’s podcast (more on that to come), notice the bride is not white.
She’s asian. I said I’d make up for not insulting asians in yesterday’s podcast. Here we go.
Hey asian girls. You aren’t as desired as you think you are. Upwards of 90% of the “men” who are into asian girls are also into watching anime and living with their parents. You will never condescend to dating (much less marrying) those men. The small number of men who do meet your standards (or the standards of any woman for that matter) can do better than you.
If any man, especially a man with a job and a car, is stupid enough to marry you in the current year you better jump on that shit because you are going to have limited opportunities to set a man up for divorce rape.
Girls, asian and otherwise: You are not all that. There are 3.5 billion of you on the planet. 3.49 billion of you can’t park between the lines.
But I digress.
Me too can read. (Writing would be a different discussion.) And Frank got me all twitterpated thinking I was gonna read some cutting edge commentary on the topic of men who give up on blogging because they finally scored a girl friend (whom isn’t a unicorn and is probably already fucking other guys).
Fuck no. All that’s in this issue is some long winded letter to C|Suite from some long winded bint long winding on and on and on about how she can do it all, and she’s a CEO girlboss, and she don’t need no men except for some Chad she banged at work, and now she’s gonna be a strong independent fish-bicycle single mother squid tenticles.
But then I clicked on this link:
The following list of facts will be considered ‘hate speech’ by certain people (mostly Leftist women) whom have brains as small as their clits.
Liberals and commies hate free speech and facts, hence, ‘hate facts’ or in their words, “hate speech”.
Go fuck yourself, and then kill yourself, commie moron.
The sourced bullet points are a testament to what I have written about, at length, for years. My books embody these facts even though they are under the guise of satire (a genius’s tactic).
Leftist-dyke, commie-fuckwit says to me, “Well, those are just your opinions!”
Turns out, my “opinions” are based in factual evidence. Who knew!?
Who knew that me, a man, would be so smart!
And amongst the priceless hate facts on that page we find this.
After all the controversy that arose after I posted my breakdown of college majors by gender last week, I promised myself I’d stay away from controversial gender-related topics for a while. But when I ran across an ETS-curated data set of average student IQs by college major, I couldn’t avoid putting this visualization together. Below, I plotted several college major’s estimated average student IQ over the gender ratio of that major.
The result? A shockingly clear correlation: the more female-dominated a college major is, the lower the average IQ of the students studying in the major. A naive reader may look at this graph and conclude that men are smarter than women, but it is vital to note that, on average, men and women have about the same IQ.
Well who fucking knew?
Hint: The Great One knew.
But ya know what really makes me Führerious?
The lack of appreciation I got for what I thought was the best (((Jew))) joke ever in yesterday’s podcast. I mean come the fuck on.
“What if someone put a Jew on a cross? Oh wait, the Jews put a Jew on a cross.”
That is fucking funny. Do you fuck-wits not recognize humour when you hear it?
What can The Great One do to relieve some of the agony he experiences from the lack of appreciation? How can The Great One cope with being left all hot and horny after being cock teased by Frank? How does The Great One deal with women’s inability to park a car between the lines, drive and vote?
Additionally, how does The Great One avoid writing an edition of linkage talking about Piggott’s take on homosexuals taking your children?
See what I did? That’s funny. What the fuck is wrong with you people. I’m a fucking comedian already.
The Great One deals with his struggle by . . . once in a blue moon . . . winning.
I have successfully installed Red Alert on linux.
In my quest to play old school video games that don’t have diversity, race pandering, or horse petting in them I discovered the Command & Conquer Communications Center where one can download and install Red Alert and other games.
I played a skirmish session of Red Alert last night instead of writing linkage.
Right now I’m installing Tiberian Sun on linux. I’ll let you know how that goes. Right now it’s . . . failing. Of course it is.
The final task will be attempting to install the original Command & Conquer.
And if that happens I may have to blogoff because I’ll be busy playing video games in which I don’t get lectured about diversity and don’t have to feed a horse.
All of this is possible because there are a small number of computer programmers out there who use their skills for the power of good instead of working for YouTube and making pop-ups that clutter my screen and piss me off.
And there is is. That’s today’s linkage.
Looks like we’ll have to wait until later to talk about homosexuals and your children. But no matter. Like women looking for “a good man” we have all the time in the world. Homosexuals aren’t going away and breeders aren’t going to protect their children any time soon.
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Linkage: 25 February, 2020 – Frank Cervi’s Kampf? What About TGO’s Kampf? #CLSology — No Comments
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