Linkage: 18 April, 2020 – Wuhan Weekend 1984. Thou Shalt Not Peaceably Assemble No More. Next Year We Come For Your Guns. #WuhanHoax #Wuhan1984 #CLSology
I’m sure there was a family of (((Jews))) who watched their (((Jew))) neighbours being taken away by the Gestapo. And I’m sure one of the (((Jews))) in that family turned to the other (((Jews))) and said “Well I’m sure they did something to deserve it. That will never happen to us.” Welcome to Wuhan 1984. Frightened women have finally given the government the power to put you in a cage or shut down your business or eliminate your job simply because feelings. Or simply because someone reported you for wrong think. We have literally Hitler arrived at the day when … Continue reading →