Yes friends (and enemies) you can get every podcast from The Great One, Himself. The good ones. The shitty ones. The boring ones. The offensive ones. The only episodes of the podcasts you will not get are the future episodes because despite what fat white girls with blue hair think, Doctor Who is not real and there is no such thing as a TARDIS.

Other than the future episodes you get every damn podcast ever.

How many episodes is that? As of December 2024:

  • Anarchy Moment – 435 episodes
  • College Kid ‘Cast – 26 episodes
  • Cult Of Personality – 13 episodes
  • Meditations and Motivations – 9 episodes
  • Stating The Obvious – 814 episodes
  • The Greasy Pole – 6000003 episodes
  • The Superstition Podcast – 29 episodes
  • Watching The Decline, audio and videos – 10 episodes
  • Yes, All Women Are Like That – 76 episodes

But wait, there is more.

  • All the Other People’s Podcasts which I have published.
  • Chyck pictures as featured on the site.
  • Memes and videos.
  • All the sources material for my podcasts.
  • Assorted research papers and science studies.
  • The original “Diversity + Proximity = War” zip file from Chateau Heartiste.
  • Mein Kampf audio book.
  • Classic anime, the British TV series Blakes 7, and a slew of Star Trek fan films.
  • Videos from channels that have been removed from YouTube.
  • Plus whatever the hell else I decide to send you.

Send me money. Include a mailing address.

256G USB Flash Drive: $85.00 total. $25.00 for the 256G flash drive plus $60 for The Great One’s time, materials and postage cost. Yea. I’m going to make some profit in exchange for my time. Deal with it.

Use this link to send me your federal reserve cuck bucks. Be sure to use the notes to send me your mailing address. If you don’t I’ll contact you at your email address to get a mailing address from you.

Questions. You have questions for The Great One. I have answers. Or I’ll make up something.

1. If I trade you some cuck bucks for the podcast archive can you ship it to countries other than the United States?

Yes. I will send you a tracking number once it’s in route.

As of January 2025 I know these postage rates to be valid:

Australia – add $30 for shipping.

England – add $70 for shipping. Yes. I’m serious. That’s how much it cost when I sent a package to England. I can’t explain it. It is what it is. I’m sure coloured women are involved.

2. Are the podcasts organized so I can listen to them in the correct order?

Have you heard my rants about podcasters who can’t name their files consistently and use tags? Yes. My files are named intelligently and have tags with track numbers. Thus you can listen to them in order. Mostly.

Here’s the mostly part. All the episodes of each podcast and numbered in order with track numbers sequential to that podcast. These track numbers do not relate to the other podcasts.

There is no easy way to know where the episodes of different podcasts go in relation to each other. Was Stating The Obvious 0427 before or after Anarchy Moment 0212? You can figure it out from the file name, but the files can not be easily sorted to put all the different podcasts in the correct sequence.

To put it another way: Each podcast (Stating The Obvious, Yes All Women, so forth) is an album. Each podcast on the album is a track. Each podcast episode has a track number designated in the mp3 tags (those things other podcasters can’t figure out how to use). Thus you sort by track number and the episodes are in the correct order.

3. What if I just want the podcast episodes, and I’d like to download them?

That’s a reasonable request. I’m looking into ways to make that happen.