Beware the fisherman who’s casting out his line into a dried-up riverbed.
But don’t try to tell him, ’cause he won’t believe you.
Throw some bread to the ducks instead, it’s easier that way.
I feel like an alien, a stranger in an alien place.
— Genesis (the band, not the Biblical chapter)
Stating The Obvious 0506 – Book Discussion: The One Device – The Secret History of The iPhone. Episode I: Fuck The Earth. I Think Different!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 76.8MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSOh Apple users. You are such tools. You hate capitalism and rich people. Apple is the greatest richest capitalist venture in the history of the human species. And you swallow more of Apples cum than you swallowed of Hussein Obama’s cum. The One Device – The Secret History of The iPhone by Brian Merchant is an excellent book. Highly recommend. Brian talks to people at Apple – as much as he can thanks to the layers of NDAs Apple enforces with it’s employees. He delves into … Continue reading →
Linkage: 18 April, 2020 – Wuhan Weekend 1984. Thou Shalt Not Peaceably Assemble No More. Next Year We Come For Your Guns. #WuhanHoax #Wuhan1984 #CLSology
I’m sure there was a family of (((Jews))) who watched their (((Jew))) neighbours being taken away by the Gestapo. And I’m sure one of the (((Jews))) in that family turned to the other (((Jews))) and said “Well I’m sure they did something to deserve it. That will never happen to us.” Welcome to Wuhan 1984. Frightened women have finally given the government the power to put you in a cage or shut down your business or eliminate your job simply because feelings. Or simply because someone reported you for wrong think. We have literally Hitler arrived at the day when … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0380 – The Great One Was Back In The People’s Republic Of Fort Collins. Oh The Stories, The Gay, The Juneteenth.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 53:54 — 52.2MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSWhy The Great One no podcast lately? Been busy as fuck ‘dat’s why. Here are all the updates on muh so called life, some politics, some ranting, some tangenting, and who knows what the hell else. Amongst topics I ramble about: Masterson v. July. Social media. Tora Tora Tora. Juneteenth. Rachel and her marriage. Boys are superior to girls. The wisdom of Hitler. Jews and coloured people. Do I even need to tell you I’m going to comment on Jews and coloured? Isn’t this a given … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0301 – Always Go To The Liquor Store Last.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 33:07 — 29.0MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSCan The Great One kill two birds with one stone? Can The Great One get a mailbox? Will The Great One suffer The Curse Of The High IQ? Will The Great One’s beer get warm in the car while he is waiting on idiots? Answers to these and many other questions in today’s episode. Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0434 – Discovered Podcasting Notes From Eight Years Ago. Things I Was Going To Talk About.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:39:25 — 116.8MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSIt’s 0700 hours and The Great One has cooked up a pound of bacon and has a glass of whiskey. How much better could the day get? He could decide to podcast. That’s how much better. I have boxes of podcasting fodder. I opened one up because I discovered it had two clipboards in it. Today I’m going to run through the notes on those clipboards. These are things I was gonna podcast about from as far back as the first time Trump saved the world … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0341 – The Great One Responds To Comments On Da Webz Syte.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:55:51 — 107.6MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThe comment notification system seems to not be working. Why would it work? The company that wrote the code is devoted to diversity, not coding. I run through the recent comments on the site and respond. Concepts I talk about: Men exist for the purpose of serving women and fags. The Veronicas. At least they haven’t gotten fat. Yet. They haven’t gotten fat yet. Is Will Smith a beta for slapping Chris Rock? Maybe. Maybe not. Here’s an analysis you probably haven’t heard and will be … Continue reading →
Yes All Women Are Like That 0043 – First World White Girl Problems: All Women Are Interchangeable. No, You Don’t Know This One Woman Who Majored In STEM And Isn’t Like That.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:57 — 51.6MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThis episode was recorded on the most special day of the year. April 20th. The birthday of Adolph Hitler. Then we talk about the fascism of women. And, April 20th is also day 400 of 15 days to flatten the curve. It’s fascism all the way down. In this episode of first world white girl problems: She can’t get her daughter to leave her bedroom. The father could not be reached for comment. He can’t stop 50 year old women from touching and kissing him. She … Continue reading →
Linkage: 18 January, 2022 – Watching The Bits and Pieces Come Together. #CLSology
I’ve been working on some videos for Watching The Decline and in the process had to follow some rabbit holes down the interwebz. Enough rabbit holes that I decided I should bang out a linkage. Sure I’d rather be banging the CSU women’s volleyball team however since I’m not a woman I don’t always get what I want. Y’all remember that Wuhan hoax right? The one with all the fake cases. Yeah that one. Over 75% of Wuhan deaths in the United States occurred in people with at least 4 comorbidities. Which means the other 25% had 3 or fewer. … Continue reading →
The Greasy Pole 6000003 – The Green Room Episode
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:28:35 — 90.4MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSAdam Piggott and The Great One once again join forces to climb the greasy pole and make up numbers. The three requirements to be an expert: 1. You must be consistently wrong. Consistently. 2. You must be either a boring bastard or a conceited prick. If you are both even better. 3. You must be really good at sucking dick. Our version of the upcoming Michael Jackson musical. Who would Adam and TGO cast in this musical? Plastic bottle caps in Europe. Coming to the States … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0105 – Button Pushers = Icons Of Statism
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 7:02 — 13.7MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSPeople who stand at street corners pushing the crosswalk button over and over and over are icons of stupidity and selfishness. They don’t understand the stop-light system is on a timer. They expect traffic to instantly stop for their convenience. That’s statism for you. Stupid. Selfish. Yay democracy. Anarchy Moment 0022 – A Theory On Why Statists Support Slavery In Real Life While Opposing It In Fiction Anarchy Moment #0046 – Start To Build Your Critical Thinking Skills on Movies Anarchy Moment 0201 – Does MGTOW … Continue reading →
Yes All Women Are Like That 0070 – Book Discussion: “Marry Him” by Lori Gottleib Episode II: The Most Accurate Assessment of White Girl World View Ever.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:24:24 — 78.9MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSI opened the book “Marry Him – The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough” by Lori Gottlieb to a random page. Join me for the lolz as women collide with economics. And the entire female world view is summed up in one sentence on page 237. “We [women] take incredible risks, because we believe that everything is reversible, that no one decision is make or break.” That’s why our society is filled with single mothers who have STDs. That’s why women can not be allowed … Continue reading →
Star Wars: The Old Republic 0002 – Killing Killiks With Phym-myri.
And here is the video you would have gotten yesterday had the encoding worked correctly. Killiks are an insectoid species that has just enough intelligent to use tools but not enough intelligent to understand them and are controlled by a hive mind. Exactly like boomers. Ya know how boomers can use a computer, but not really understand it. Like that. As boomers have infested Western Civilization and are assimilating women into joining their cult so have Killiks infested Alderaan and assimilated the daughter of a local nobleman. On the YouTube. For now. On Odysee/LBRY. Who – oddly enough – are … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0174 – Stop Masturbating To Lauren Southern Videos and Get A Job.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 13:26 — 24.5MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSYes. I am talking about this again. Instead of whining on the interwebz about how left-wing SJW Patreon is (and it is) you could stop giving Patreon your money and move to the right-wing version of Patreon. Except there is no right-wing version of Patreon. For there to be a right-wing Patreon some right-winger would have to create it. But you right-wingers cant stop masturbating to Lauren’s videos. And creating your own website would require work. You ain’t gonna “save Western Civilization” like this boys. Give … Continue reading →
Other People’s Podcasts 0078 – The Survival Podcast: Jason Christoff on Self Sabotage and Media Control
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:41:16 — 23.4MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSBrace yourself girls. The feelz might get hurt on this one. Christoff delves into the mind control. What have I been talking about for ages? The repetition in the TV, the movies, the music, the literature, the comics, the sports, the advertising. The repetition of “white people bad, POX good.” The repetition of “white girl, POX boy.” The repetition of “fags and trannies are born that way.” The repetition of “muh science – except for X and Y chromosomes.” This is why turning TV, movies, music, … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0676 – Random Bits and Pieces Episode II: Lauren Southern, Beta Males, and Retards All Need To Shut The Fuck Up. Plus Differences Between Men and Women. Yes, Men and Women Are Different.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 52.1MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSI continue the effort to blast through the pile of papers with random notes scribble upon them. In this episode we focus on womynz. And yes, all of them are like that. Google versus Duck Duck Go. Sometimes Google does a better job of giving me what I want, but when I need information I know Google is going to censor or direct me to anti-freedom propoganda Duck Duck Go is the way to go. Scott Adam’s solution to the health care problem. I may have … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0407 – Trigger Warning: Your Need To Scream “Racist” Will Be Activated Today. And Supergirl Is Not A Real Person.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 79.9MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSGive me your money when you shop at via or you hate children! The debate now rages. Is there a delay in the recording process between when I hear the audio and when it’s recorded. Yet again I sing along (yea, it’s less singing and more making terrible noise) with the intro music and I am lagging behind the lyrics. This will be investigated and resolved in upcoming podcasts. Because this is what’s important. Screw the decline of Western Civilization. My ego is job … Continue reading →