
Stating The Obvious 0817 – January 6th Extravaganza – Life In Our Incompetent Dystopia. Thankfully Elon Is Going To Import Indians To Fix All These Problems. — 3 Comments

  1. Happy New Year’s cynical libertarian society. I’m a new listener, been here about a year. i’m glad that it was mentioned today about where we get our news, as for me, I’m only getting my news from this website, and I’m so done with social media, the fucking advertisements, and the demands for your attention and money. it’s not worth wasting my time on.

    The Internet is becoming more obsolete by the minute. Elon is apparently trying to shut down Wikipedia, not that it matters much (it’s always been full of propaganda), but now general information will be skewed and changed. The C.C.P. influence seems to have been quite effective worldwide. Who wouldn’t want a nation of slaves?

    China is full of incompetence. Our reliance on A.I. will only amplify the incompetence. It would be nice to see this website get as many comments as AmRen, where my comments are almost uniformly deleted for being too radical. You know what I am sick and tired of?

  2. Cobra Tate is considering running for British Prime Minister.

    Talking about UK, I have been checking your clustrmaps. 340,296 visits from 2015, top visitors: USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany and Ireland but then Singapore (????), Japan, Brasil and China. Also there is Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel with almost 500 visits. In such 10 years, you have an impressive 1 visit from: Swaziland, Samoa, New Caledonia, Equatorial Guinea. Burundi, Burkina Faso, Benin, Angola and Cuba. Interesting, isn’t it?

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