
Stating The Obvious 0814 – Listener Submissions: Christian Boys. You Need To Man Up and Marry Those Single Mothers. They Are Better Than You Even Deserve. — 6 Comments

  1. Great One, I was born and raised in a church going, military family. We moved every 3 to 4 years. We went to church. Every sunday, every wednesday. Sometimes more. As a result of having moved alot, we had to find new churches to attent.

    So from my life experience of visiting/testing/attending churches across the country, being in thousands of sermons, youth groups, youth camps, vacation bible schools, I never once been told the narrative of “if you refrain from sex, you’ll get a virgin to marry.”

    I’ve been to various denominations of church too. One thing I can say about my personal experience is that sex was always a taboo, change the subject, kind of topic. Thanks to the public school system (students, not the teachers) and internet porn I even know what sex is.

    So yeah take this info as you want but NEVER did I hear the virgin narrative lol not once

  2. Great One, the use of the word “entitled” is being used as a straw man here. No virgin 18 year old male is entitled to a virgin 18 year old female, but in a society where these values are actually observed by the majority of the population, the chances those males marry chaste and virginal females goes up. In such a society, the chances of despoiled single mothers being married to chaste, virginal males is almost zero, as their competition is younger, prettier, and without the physical evidence that they fucked another man following them around tugging at their pants for the iPad. That’s what this cuck is trying to fight- women being met with the consequences of their actions.

  3. There’s one more element to Elon taking away Laura Loomer’s blue checkmark. She didn’t only disagree with him, she also insinuated that he’s a pedophile because one of his 10+ children made with his harem of baby mamas turned out to be a little faggot, and we all know why children end up gay. Of course, the baby mama couldn’t possible be the kiddie diddler because a woman would never touch a little boy. It had to be Elon.

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