
Stating The Obvious 0803 – Blind Date Episode II: “My Ex Was Lucky To Be With Me.” You Are The Second Choice Of The Woman You Are Fucking. — 4 Comments

  1. Great One, I hate to tell you this but your potential gold mine idea for 3D printed shoes isn’t going to succeed. You’re working off the principle that women purchase goods at discounted prices because they are shrewd (like men). No woman would purchase your footwear because it isn’t name-brand and therefore would not elevate her social status. Imagine one of your customers being asked about the shoe they’re wearing- they’d have to explain 3D printing to a woman.

    • Time out. Time fucking out. Don’t roll you ass up in here and shoot down The Great One’s brilliant ideas.

      1. Women purchase shoes because they only have two compartments in their brains. One is for shopping, the other one they don’t use.

      2. A woman doesn’t know what is name-brand any more than she knows what 6 feet is. A bitch ask you “how tall are you?” You always answer “6 feet.” Even if you are 5’4″ like Cappy. Women don’t know.

      3. Once I fool one woman (how hard can that be) into wearing these shoes other women will want them because women are herd animals. Who hate each other. And want to be just like other women. While dragging other women down.

      4. I (well, someone with a 3D printer – I’m just an idea man like Jobs and Musk – other people execute my ideas while I execute the JQ) can print 3D shoes that look close enough to name brand that no woman can tell them apart.

      5. You don’t tell the woman the shoes are 3D printed. Women neither care nor understand where things come from. Women only care about getting attention and hating other women.

      I think you’re just attempting to prevent me from executing the je… I mean this idea because you’re about to open and rake in the billions of cuck bucks. Don’t even try it. I have (((lawyers))) on standby.

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