What’s Your Excuse This Time Great One?
I couldn’t do the podcast today because I got drunk last night.
Oh wait. That’s not my excuse. That’s why women can’t show up for work despite paying two thousands dollars for a cell phone. I still can’t even comprehend paying $2000 for a cell phone. These people are a whole different species than me. Like Jews and coloureds.
Anyhow – there will be no podcast today. I ended up having to work yesterday and that was going to be my recording time. Can’t turn down cuck bucks. I could record today however I have long been planing my Halloween day and it’s full of projects and adventure. That includes spending the cuck bucks my listeners have tossed my way. Once again thank you for the contributions. Those of you who have not cuck bucked me – you are stealing.
On the agenda is making mead. Checking out a new restaurant. Hitting the coffee shop. Most importantly attending a college volleyball game. Go volleyball chycks.
Plan is to record on Friday and thus you should get your dose of Great One on Saturday. We all know the plan always survives contact with the enemy.
Do you foreigners have Halloween? If you do, enjoy it. I like seeing hot chycks dressed up skanky. That’s one thing I do miss about the People’s Republic of Fort Collins. Skanky college girls on Halloween.
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