College Kid ‘Cast 0026 – Race Traitor White Girl. Oppressed Trannie. All That And More! More! More!
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Good morning childrenz! Last night The Great One got in bed and was about to drift off into dreams of gin and volleyball girls when suddenly he realized “I didn’t post the podcast for tomorrow.” So here I am at 0530 on Saturday writing show notes and posting this rant. Just for you. Because I love you. Not as much as I love gin and volleyball girls. Yet still I love you. Don’t you go changing.
I got my coffee. I’m listening to the album L.A. by Hiroshima. We will see how well my brain functions under these conditions.
In the conclusion to this series we hit what I think are the funniest bits, and the most telling about the zoomers. You remember the zoomers right? They are more conservative than the millennials and they are going to vote Republican and save us all. You remember that conservative talking point don’t you?
First up is Emma Souza. She’s white as white can be. Fairly cute. I would bang. What have I told you? Lot’s of things. Right. What have I told you that is relevant here? The more pure a girl is in her race the more she will be driven to breed with other races and destroy her genetic purity.
What does Emma say about herself?
Found this on InstaThot:
Heyy! I’m Emma and I am from a suburb outside of Minneapolis, MN! I am fully committed to CSU and am majoring in journalism. I love thrifting, music, picnics, movies, night drives, + my friends ofc. Am looking for a roommate (preferably honors dorms) but also j some friends
plz reach out!!
Found this on her Linkedin:
I’m Emma Souza, a student from Minneapolis, Minnesota, now studying Journalism and Media Communications at Colorado State University with a minor in Creative Writing. My interests range from satire columns to feature writing and from narrative to fiction. I strive to obtain a career path that combines my journalistic skills with my thirst for creativity and imagination.
If you exclude journalism she sounds like a girl I would want to date. She looks like a girl I would want to date.
And she’s a race traitor. Because yes. All. Women. Are like that. It’s only a matter of degree.
In presidential candidate Donald Trump’s vision of a Aurora, Colorado, which is approximately 70 miles from Fort Collins, violent crime associated with the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is rapidly spreading. But an issue bigger than the gang’s arrested members and their past presence in an apartment complex is that the town of Aurora has quickly become a national talking point in an aggressively antimigrant and anti-immigrant agenda. What’s to come? Well, Trump said the “largest deportation in the history of our country” — starting with Aurora.
There are several truths to the story of Tren de Aragua and their journey to Aurora, but first, I’d like to go back to May 2023. That spring, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott launched a busing system that transported migrants near the Texas-Mexico border into other states, providing “much-needed relief to (Texas’) small border towns,” Abbott said in a 2023 statement. Since the first bus arrived in Denver on May 18, 2023, and as of January, over 15,700 migrants have been transported into the city. This number is likely to have rapidly grown since.
Had the gangs stayed in Texas she wouldn’t care about this. This is one good aspect of Abbott bussing the illegals to other states.
Some migrants bused through Abbott’s program who have few resources or connections in Denver likely face these obstacles with no choice but to move elsewhere. The same goes for any other Denver residents who can’t keep up with the city’s insane living costs. These factors drive subsets of the Denver population into suburbs like Aurora that are close to the city but much cheaper. This transition makes a lot of sense, especially considering foreign-born residents constitute about 21% of Aurora’s population.
She has a link to Aurora population stats. I didn’t look at this before I recorded the cast. I’m looking at it now and holy fucking shit.
Look at this. Literally Hitler a minority in their country. Is this why we took the land away from the Native Americans? To be invaded like them? I don’t think so.
Here is the link:
I don’t mean to detract from the fear toward Tren de Aragua. Watching this situation unfold from Fort Collins is scary, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to hear updates while being in Aurora. But my fear quickly — and I mean quickly — dissipates into anger when serious events about a contained group are used as a vehicle for racism and xenophobia. Fearing a gang and fearing the migrant community in and around Aurora are two entirely different things.
Her fear of brown gangs killing and stealing is Trumped (see what I did) by her anger over white people not embracing her ideology of diversity.
I cannot stress enough the importance of doing your research on this topic.
Are you sure about that princess?
The beating will continue until women no longer have political and economic power.
Speaking of power. Oppression. Meet Hannah Parcells.
At first glance I said to myself (I talk to myself as that’s the only way I can have an intelligent conversation unless I’m hanging out with Cappy or on the CLS Telegram channel) “She’s got a nice body.”
Then I looked twice and said to myself “Correction. He has a nice body. Better than any of the girls at the Collegian. Except for Ruby. And maybe Claire. Once again men proved they can do everything better than women. Including being feminine.”
Fact: Boys rule. Girls drool.
I gotta tangent for one moment. Claire is also white and a race traitor.
Vogl’s writing typically focuses on popular culture and the hidden figures who influence it. Whether it be queer representation in country music or Black voices that shape colloquial slang, she prioritizes informing readers of overlooked contributions to mainstream media.
Zoomers are more conservative. They are going to save us! Muh zoomers!
Back on topic.
Fact: Hannah is a man pretending to be a woman. But wait. It gets better. By better I mean funnier.
Parcells is currently pursuing two degrees: a Bachelor of Science in psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in political science with a concentration in global politics. Stubborn, opinionated and endlessly curious, Parcells has always been passionate about understanding and helping other people, and she hopes to use her education to leave the world a little better than she found it.
. . . . .
Parcells strongly believes in the power of information and is committed to upholding The Collegian’s long history of honest reporting and encouraging readers to get out and explore the world around them.
Are you ready for this? Make sure you are sitting down – especially now that we know standing up might kill you.
Parcells: Am I queer enough?: Biphobia in LGBTQIA+ discourse harms us all
I’ll wait for you to stop laughing.
Caught your breath? Let’s do this.
September is Bisexual Visibility Month, and as someone who identifies as bisexual, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about this idea of visibility and what it truly means.
Bisexual visibility month.
This is a man pretending to be a bisexual woman.
The queer community is often painted with one broad brush, especially in conversation with primarily straight people. This can give the impression that queerness is a monolithic experience.
The AlphabetKKK+ is monolithic. They are all mentally ill.
Many bisexual people are probably familiar with harmful rhetoric surrounding their identity from other queer people: “You can pass as straight,” “You’re only queer if you’re in a same-gender relationship,” or, “You can just choose to date a straight person.”
This sort of biphobia sucks for many reasons. First, it minimizes the experiences of bi people and implies any oppression they face from straight people is a choice. Second, it minimizes bi people’s place in queer spaces — spaces where we are supposed to be safe.
I agree with the AlphabetKKK+ on this. Bisexuals aren’t part of their group. Bisexuals don’t exist. Bisexual men are gay. Thus there is no such thing as a bisexual man. All women are bisexual. Thus there is no such thing as a bisexual woman.
Bisexual women are normal. That is why the AlphabetKKK+ rejects bisexual women. The “queer space” is not for bisexual women. Yet again women have to invade everything, take it over, and destroy it.
Many years ago I went to gay clubs now and then in Houston. It was fun. A bunch of men having a good time. Then women started showing up. I don’t have to tell you what happened.
The discourse within the queer community about which group of people has more privilege is frankly frustrating. It pits two oppressed groups against each other instead of allowing room for productive conversations about the diverse experiences that come with different identities.
I want to make it clear that while I am addressing biphobia within the queer community, I am in no way arguing that bi people have it worse than other queer people.
Yes, that is what you are arguing.
The true source of our oppression is never another queer person, regardless of the harm we might inflict when we don’t examine and acknowledge our own internalized biases. Societal structures of power continue to be the source of queer people’s oppression, while also being the very systems that make everyone’s experience with oppression different.
Queer persons never oppress. It’s those structures of power that oppress. Those structures like the government you elected and obey. The corporations you buy products from. The churches with the fag flags outside of them. And all of those structure of power are loaded with Jews, coloureds, and members of the AlphabetKKK+.
Oppression does not exist solely on a binary axis, and it certainly isn’t a competition. There is no prize for the winner of the “who has it worse” debate — a debate that often completely ignores the role intersectionality plays in our experiences.
You are all attempting to be apex victim. It is a competition.
Sexuality isn’t defined by who you’re dating. Sexuality is defined by sexual attraction.
Who you date is determined by who you are sexually attracted to. Unless you’re a gold digger. Thus yes. Sexuality is defined by who you date. Hannah may be a man but he’s a dumb as a woman. The hamster wheel is strong in this op-ed.
Queer people are minimized, judged and hated in society plenty.
“We” have days, weeks, and entire months dedicated to celebrating the AlphabetKKK+. “We” have hiring quotas specifically for them. “We” have laws such as “hate crimes” just for them. Almost every major corporation, almost every church, and at least 50% of small businesses have faggot flags in some form plastered on their products, websites, and store fronts.
That is not being minimized. I don’t think that word means what Hannah thinks it means.
As for being “hated in society plenty.” No. You aren’t hated near enough.
Source material for this episode:
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The Album L.A by Hiroshima is groovy; great to listen to while writing. Thanks.
Also, Emma Souza looks like a great fuck. I know a girl who looks just like her; yuuuge slut btw.
Like you said, too bad she’s a race traitor and a journalism major…she’s a fan of satire. I like that. A true test of a woman is if she can read one of my books from start to finish and not get mad.
I laughed so hard at the man pretending to be a bi-sexual woman; I think two drops of piss came out. What a great way to end the series. Peak.
Peak indeed. It’s almost like they wrote that issue of the collegian just for me.
Emma is a cutie. Too damn bad she’s ruined.