
Anarchy Moment 0414 – Trump Will Win. The US Will Go To War For Israel. You Can Take That To The Bank. — 6 Comments

  1. Heard your theory on the Greasy Pole and like a week later a false flag happens. I can already hear the forever trumpers banging the war drums and this is becoming more and more apparent everyday, so I tip my hat off to you for predicting it.

    I only hope that enough of them volunteer that there wouldn’t be a need for a draft.

    God Bless Great one, God Bless!

  2. It was Clark that assassinated Santiago with the help of the Mister Morden. The Shadows (Space Jews) were manipulating EarthGov.

    • Told you I was having a rough day. I mixed up Clark and Santiago. I didn’t get confused about the Shadows/Jews however. Of course the idea that Shadows/Jews would install someone as President in order to start a war to benefit the Shadows/Jews is obviously fiction.

  3. Great One, if you were betting what will we see first in America: President Michelle Obama or President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

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