
Anarchy Moment 0406 – A Discussion About The Musical Fiddler On The Roof. — 4 Comments

  1. You mentioned you have Bitdefender as your antivirus. I had a job in the past where I collaborated with them and their “marketing department”.

    Their core userbase are boomers and they exploit the fuckers to the max.

    If you buy the antivirus from their site, about 2 years ago at checkout they used to have the option where you could turn off the auto-renewal. They eventually removed it and the only way you can turn off the autorenewal is after you buy the antivirus – either by turning it off yourself(which boomers can’t do since they’re retarded) or by contacting their customer support. Of course if you contact their customer support they have “retention” strategies where they do anything they can to stop you from turning off your auto-renewal, which drags things out by days or weeks even. If you forget to turn off your auto-renewal, you end up being assraped with a huge price hike, but again most boomers are retarded and they have no idea they get renewed at crazy prices for years on end.

    Whenever they implement new practices on either their website, purchase portal or software, that are inherently anticonsumer and an overall negative on you the customer they call that shit – “experiments or user experiments”, yikes.

    As a pro tip, if you’re in the situation where you have some software autorenew on you and you want an immediate refund/cancellation without any kikery and “retention” attempts, you need to tell them one of the following:
    -I will contact my lawyer and pursue legal action
    -I will launch a negative social media campaign against you
    -I will chargeback the transaction with my bank(this one hurts them since they actually get a small penalty themselves)
    -I have purchased a different antivirus already

    As another pro tip, if you buy software that has an expiration date, always try to buy it from BestBuy or an equivalent brick and mortar store, since it will come with a code on a paper slip and with that they do not have the option to auto-renew the shit at all on your account. Basically if you get an official paper slip or cardboard box with an activation code, you evade companies and their automatic autorenewal bullshit.

    On the bright side, I think Bitdefender were one of the only companies that didn’t support the BLM madness.

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