Anarchy Moment 0399 – Movie Review: I Am A Hero. Spoiler – No You Ain’t.
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Jaime paid the cuck bucks for a movie review and here it is. I chose the Japanese zombie movie because I knew it would either be really good for really bad.
I Am a Hero at IMBb:
The fact that this movie has won 8 awards illustrated how little value the awards have.
Should you watch this movie? No.
The best part is when the girlfriend transforms into a zombie. It’s truly horrifying and creepy. Creepy in the sense of what that word use to mean before women ruined it the way they have ruined everything.
Here are my notes from the show.
being a manga assistant is the same as being jobless
manga – japan leads the world – then – his imagination
live in feminist gf
secret door – gun – license – gf wants to sell his gun
she’s bitching because he’s not successful
gf throw him out – does she have a job? “I’m already 34 years old.”
man thrown out of his own house – just like in the US
“new infection” TV newscaster – it’s wuhan
zombie transformation scene was good. convulsions and contortions
he is stupid – gf is obviously sick / broken
“if this was america I would have ended you with one shot from a handgun”
“what’s going on?”
“how would I know? what do you think I am? god?”
he spends a lot of time gawking and screaming
one fag tries to video an attack
escape zombie apocalypse? take a taxi only don’t let your driver get bit
taxi driver bending backwards over seat to grab them in back seat – how can he keep his foot on the accelerator? japs are short – that’s racist
35 minutes in – a lot has happened to him – he’s not making anything happen
ZQN – not just zombified – but they start going on about their problems
taxi driver – good driver
politician – poor people can’t pay taxes
manga guy – will finally win
“you don’t have what it takes to shoot me”
says “sorry” to her before running away – such a pussy
he’s then saved from zombie by zombie girl
50 minutes in, he’s still a pussy
girl turns into zombie waifu
she eats cat food – he eats cat food
abandoned mall – romero movie
leather jacket – good choice – armour against biting
rescued by chyck – “i’m not a monster” – no, you’re a pussy
he walks in – no ZQN in sight – gets saved by chyck suddenly ZQN everywhere – survivor run right into them
they call for “noise” on the radio – then run into the ZQN before the distraction starts
gets up on roof – buncha girls – things are looking up
is this the love interest?
all the ZQN are living in their past memories
ZQN all going thru motions of their lives
“we have to get more food – we run out tomorrow” why did you wait this long to deal with this?
“give us your gun” – the symbolism
stand off – he don’t have the balls to shoot
“i’m sorry” as they beat hin
“the war lord” gets toppled
she’s a nurse – who ran away
“I lost my gun. I have nothing now.”
where is the electricity coming from?
1 hour 28 minutes in – hero is still a pussy – squealing
3 shots from shotgug
girls on roof sure are clean
one ZQN kills everyone on the roof
“glasses” – are 4-eyes really that rare in japan?
oh gawd – not a fire extinguisher
he’s still screaming like a girl – knowing the ZQN are attracted to sound – it’s been how many days since this all happened? he’s dancing about like a spastic 8 year old
1 hour 40 minutes “let’s have sex” – finally
he transforms and she just stands there
horror movies wouldn’t exist if the characters weren’t stupid
a girl carrying a girl on her back isn’t going to out run a man
everyone keeps yelling really fucking loud
ZQN close in at the same speed he reloads
when does the high school girl save them?
“they final battle” – they fall
guy is killed by his wife – kills her before he dies
he has 100 shells – and wastes them
shoot and move – don’t stay in one place
the ZQN are going to come to the noise
he kills them all. no.
let’s wait for more to show up
strategically out of shells – but look – there’s one on the ground
stop looking at it and leave
the actual story was him smacking whitey-tighty with the shotgun
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I actually read the I am a Hero manga years ago and it seems like the live action movie made his girlfriend into a cunt for no reason. In the manga, his girlfriend literally only does the following: is nice and supportive to him, gives him a blowjob, is slightly drunk and yells at him because of it, meets up with him a few more times and afterwards she turns into a zombo, and they also live separately, not in the same place.
In the manga the main character is very obviously an autistic sperg and he even has hallucinations so there’s that.
Well this is further proof to me that live action adaptations of manga are absolute cancer, even if they’re Japanese adaptations from the “motherland” lol.
As a side note, if you want to watch the most over the top zombie apocalypse anime ever, I recommend Highschool of the Dead, it mixes ecchi(big boobs and hot chicks everywhere) and the zombie apocalypse, also takes place in Japan. It’s action packed and really fun.
Here’s a clip for context so you can see how fucking ridiculous the show is: