
Yes All Women Are Like That 0061 – Did The Great One Fall For Satire? That’s About As Likely As Very Average Looking Volleyball Chycks Taking Photos Of Their Tits. — 8 Comments

  1. There’s an article on – “It Happened To Me: I was raped by my wife’s boyfriend”

    The byline is “Bigbadbeard1000” which is the handle Jack Murphy used when he was putting things up his ass on the internet.

    Whoever is writing this site, they are taking the piss out of a good selection of targets.

    • We live in such a sick ‘current year’ world that the proof of satire is the writer’s pseudonym not the ridiculousness of the article itself, I mean recently I’ve read something about how a cuck managed to reverse-cuck his wife by stealing her boyfriend and then divorcing her for him.

    • Now that’s a wink to Poe’s Law.
      I didn’t see that one.
      Should probably go look it up.
      . . . . .
      Five minutes later:
      Yea. Sounds totally real to me. I can see a soy boy writing all that.
      I wouldn’t have known that Murphy used that name on his butt play channel.
      In fact, Al knowing Jack’s butt play channel user name now has me wondering about Al.

  2. Going by the hilarious headlines IQfy (gay name) is definitely satire. However, I spent far too much time (that I’ll never get back) reading about Amish business culture to think that this site is anything other than deadly serious. However, I really don’t care one way or the other.

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