Updates on TGO’s Life of Star Wars and Dog Sitting
Greetings friends and enemies. Yes, I do still live. If you call this living. But what a great time to be living. We’ve got front row tickets to the Decline And Fall of Western Civilization as our society death spirals under the hoofs of the Four Horsemen of White People.
1. Discomfort (which no white woman must ever experience.)
2. Daycare (for coloured people.)
3. Democracy.
4. Diversity.
While you’ve been watching the world burn this week I’ve been dog sitting, playing the fuck out of some Star Wars, boozing, eating, and not yelling at the interwebz. Just you wait though. I picked up an issue of the CSU Collegian which is loaded with podcast material. In an upcoming episode we are going to have some “difficult conversations” with some 20 year old coloured girls.
Yesterday I may have hit around 12 hours of Star Wars. I was going to leave the house for food and booze then I said screw that and played more Star Wars. Today I am going trail running, doing a bit of paid work, dog walking, and I have to pack for the drive back to Rapid City tomorrow morning. I’m going right back into work so don’t expect a real podcast until Wednesday at the very soonest. Maybe not until Friday.
Anyhow it’s 0727 right now. The dogs have had their morning walk. They have fed. The girl (like a white girl) constantly thinks about food and lives for eating. Probably because (like a white girl) she has nothing else to live for other than sleeping. The boy and I have been playing some fun rounds of fetch.
With all that done I decided to catch up on some of my reading and find out where we are in the downward spiral today. Apparently Italy has just elected a womynz (what’s a woman?) who is Literally Mussolini (TM) as their Prime Minister. I know nothing about this woman however I can make the following statements with total confidence:
1. She isn’t “right-wing” (whatever the fuck that means) enough.
2. She isn’t “right-wing.”
3. She supports diversity and opposes Italians.
4. Democracy always fails.
Anyhows, here is some suggesting reading from my morning on the interwebz. Soon I’m gonna be out on the trail in the sunshine and fresh air. I suggest you read these links and then go do something you love doing. Your life, unlike stupidity, is finite.
This sort of thing has become commonplace in the Church of late. The childlike writing, the simplistic artwork, the general incoherence present, all of these point to a dumbing down of the message. It is infantile and this it is a strategic effort to infantilize us. So we have children oppressing us while women rule over us. It seems that our paths are well on the way to being destroyed.
EVERYTHING is possible in Italy. The speaker was Benite [sic] Mussolini, the new Italian Premier; the place was Rome; the time— just the other day. Since then his words have become reality. He has been swept into the seats of the mighty on that overpowering wave of Fascismo. Just as Fascismo is a political phenomenon without parallel in history, so is Mussolini a leader without precedent. He is the political phenomenon of modern Italy, risen like a flame from the ashes of her cumbersome, confusing, parasite-covered bureaucratic régime.
To interview Benito Mussolini is not only to interview Italy’s “Man of the Hour,” but Italy’s “Man of Tomorrow.” He is that person, to the lack of whom Italy has long attributed her political misfortune—a strong man.
Mussolini has brought into the Italian situation that which it has lacked, and his achievements are proof of which discipline and organization, guided by an indomitable will, personal fearlessness, profound learning, straight thinking, [and] direct action can do.
“But there is only one thing which gathers people into seditious commotion, and that is oppression.”
“The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom.”
“The great question which, in all ages, has disturbed mankind, and brought on them the greatest part of their mischiefs … has been, not whether be power in the world, nor whence it came, but who should have it.”
News is in today of both Nordstream 1 and 2 being down due to what seems to be coordinated military attacks. Those pipes are deep, they run along the bottom of the sea and they’re set hard into the seabed after some serious welding on the pipe-lay vessel. Which means frogmen are not going to get to them; the only way that those babies got hit was by a military naval vessel. That rules out the Ukraine right there. And Russia wouldn’t sabotage its own pipelines when it controls the taps. The Germans seem to be drooling retards of late, but I doubt even the German Greens would cook up something like this.
So it’s either the USA or Britain, and if it was the Brits then they were instructed to do it by the Yanks. (I suppose it could have been the Poles because they have four German built submarines, but come on, we’re talking about Poles here.)
So this is more a less an act of war against Europe. What interests me is the timing of the attack as it occurred a few hours after the results of the Italian election were announced, an election one by the first far-right coalition since, well, since forever because Mussolini was a screaming socialist, you clowns. And there’s another election coming up on the 2nd of October in Bulgaria. What do these two countries have in common?
I think the BBC is serious about he second sentence in this quote. This is the dystopia of 1984 in full display.
The Nord Stream 1 pipeline – which consists of two parallel branches – has not transported any gas since August when Russia closed it down. It blamed the closure on maintenance – the EU said it was trying to weaponise Europe’s gas supply.
So here we have a highly qualified and experienced economist who unequivocally called for urgent and necessary state socialism and massive money printing as a response to covid. Question whether covid actually calls for any of this hysterical response? Noooo… the WEF and WHO wouldn’t like that. Question whether any emergency frameworks put in place would be exploited endlessly by cronies and fraudsters? Well no – they wouldn’t invite him to their next dinner parties if he did that.
And yet here he is, shouting that the current UK government’s attempts to steer a different course back towards some kind of reality-based economic footing is “totally, totally nuts”?
I’m not convinced his motivations are pure. Not convinced at all.
A highly respected cardiologist and expert in evidence-based medicine was prompted to take a critical look at the vaccine data after the unexpected death of his father 6 months after vaccination. He spent 6 months carefully studying the data and consulting with other top scientists. He’s now calling for a halt to the vaccines based on the data.
Better yet are the comments.
While this may be a good development in terms of stopping the clot shot and changing minds, this Malhotra guy isn’t getting any praise or cheers from me for seeing the light AFTER murdering his own father with his stupidity.
“He writes, “the main reason I took the jab was to prevent transmission of the virus to my vulnerable patients.”
What’s extremely interesting is how all these supposedly super smart doctors, including this guy, went out and immediately got some new crap pumped into their arm based upon the advice of drug companies, politicians and government bureaucrats. Where was the due diligence on his part that it even worked and was safe? A very naive doctor to say the least. And how does this smart, educated doctor not know that the ‘jab’ does not confer immunity and doesn’t prevent transmission? Blue-pilled to say the least.
The Great One agrees. I’m not interested in those who went along and only now want to pretend they have located their spines and brains.
It’s too late girls. Once you go black we don’t want you back.
Once you’ve been vaxxed you need to be axed.
“‘The failure of socialism in Russia, and the enormous suffering and hardship of people in all socialist countries, is a powerful warning against socialism, statism, and interventionism in the West. ‘We should all be thankful to the Soviets,’ says Paul Craig Roberts, ‘because they have proved conclusively that socialism doesn’t work. No one can say they didn’t have enough power or enough bureaucracy or enough planners or they didn’t go far enough.’…
“A common mistake Western observers made was to think the Soviet Union’s fundamental problem was a lack of democracy. They completely overlooked that the institutional structure of the political system cannot overcome the problem inherent in an economic system with no means of rational calculation. The Soviet Union had a number of leaders who promised political reform, but none was able to put bread on the table. In fact, the primary problem in the Soviet Union was socialism.”https://pc.blogspot.com/2022/09/in-fact-primary-problem-in-soviet-union.html
And finally, Piggott.
Now really finally, hawt chycks.
- Volleyball chycks don’t need to be protected. They are busy winning.
- Volleyball chycks attempting to see the world from the perspective of femistatist.
- If only Obama had made her decisions for her . . . she wouldn’t have missed the ball.
- When balance is lost everyone falls down.
- Groupthink is good for volleyball. Groupthink is not good for world views.
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I think I’ve finally outgrown my like for Adam Piggot, like I geddit. The dude took a hit to life post divorce, but did he have to take the most basic bitch, normie tier method for coping to trauma? Like a women finding a dog post bad relationship, he too found a dog, just with reversed pronunciation.
Once you do your research into the classical world and realise how much christ-cucks ruined western civilisation, it’s hard to have anything but udder contempt for them. Just listening to the faggot orally prostrate himself for his Judaic skydaddy is nauseating. Spending time with him must be like hanging out with that one window licking relative during Christmas as a kid.
I believe that there are two issues here:
1) can a civilisation, which is necessarily full of credulous cognitive-misers, maintain stability without a prescribed and unquestioned morality? and if not, which is better: Judaeo-Christian morality or authoritarian neo-Marxist cunt-waffle? if it is the former, then is it better to pretend and proselytise the idiotic concept for the sake of civilisation? and if so, is most successful presentation of this someone who deludes themselves of their false belief until they believe their own lie?
2) can I live without a prescribed and unquestioned morality without becoming psychotic and/or suicidal? and if not, I’d better pick one and unquestioningly believe it…
While I am suspicious that Peter Hitchens falls into the first category; from his behaviour and what he says, Adam appears to fall into the second.
If so, I respect Adam for at least realising that he needs training wheels to interact with the world. I suspected that a bit of TRT would return some of his confidence.
Ey woaw, what the fuck dude. That reply is too high IQ for me. I picked the moniker dumbass aussie for a reason, so if you could do me a solid and dial it back by like one standard IQ deviation, I’d appreciate it.
I don’t think Adam realises how antithetical his theological beliefs are with his nationalistic world view. And as such, I don’t think he really realises that he needs the horse blinders of a jewish desert cult to remain unrattled and spooked by life.
There’s plenty of other healthy ways to cope, becoming a member of the local suicide cult (and yes, that’s what Christianity really is) isn’t one of them.
You need religion? And let’s be real, of course you do. Humankind developed it for a reason, and even if you think you don’t need a higher love, something is going to have to fill that vacuum left by religion in your life one way or another. But I digress, you need a god? Ho way back and worship your bound in blood and soil ‘pagan’ gods. You need more meaning then what’s presented in those old tomes? Seek the wisdom other men who too tried to better understand human nature, the world and our place in it. To stop being a plebe and learn some damb philosophy.
I don’t know why I really care, Adam was never really a nationalist nor cared for the cause and plight of Europa or her peoples. He is a fair weathered friend, his background was as a le pick up artist and articler of becoming a ‘better man’, whatever that is. We’re so thirsty for good content and good men out here, we feel victim to the drought and began to give the guy more airtime than he was really worth.
This is the first time that I have seen Piggot… slap some Aviators on him and he wouldn’t look out of place with: Neil Strauss, Jack Murphy, Andrew Tate, Richard Cooper and RSD Tyler (as seen in WtD, 21/01/22, 1:08:50, original by Colttaine).
This is not the look of a man, this is the look of someone trying to look like a man, see: Buck Angel.
Another divorced Aviator-wearing PUA, you say??
A man dressing up like what he thinks a man should like, aptly put. Astute observation.
Yeah, the guy needs a slap across the gobber, someone’s gotta wake him up a little. Say what you want about being well groomed, but a man should not be so meticulously preened that his self care ritual has more in common with a womens than other mens.