
Anarchy Moment 0352 – You’re Not Getting A Podcast Today Because The Great One Spent The Weekend Enjoying Himself. — 3 Comments

  1. Wew, after several months, the illusive video game episode comes into fruition.
    I wonder how bad it will be? Will the the great one just compile a list of most bangable video game characters instead? Probably

    You said something in an earlier podcast that I never got around to writing on about, on how “our guys” fall short producing music. It’s true, but there’s one that has made it mainstream despite his best efforts.

    Allow me to compile you a short list of bangerz.

    Type O Negative/Carnivore
    and then there’s this tongue-in-cheek gem

    There’s also Morrissey from the Smiths, that guy is a hoot. Ultimately though, if you want to find music done by “our guys”, what you’re actually looking for is ethnic music from Europe or european culturally inspired genres. Although certain metal and progrock circles are rife with sentiment against the status quo. And then there’s music with clearly ambiguous lyrics that really can be interpreted anyway you want.
    recommend you listen to the album front to back, (yeah, yeah I know its an hour and a half go cry about it)

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