
The Greasy Pole 0022 – The Big Black Cock Episode — 4 Comments

  1. I’m sorry, but every time I hear Adam Piggott speak, I imagine it’s like being stabbed in the face with a broken piece of glass.

    He’s fucking loud and generally won’t shut the fuck up. I mean he’s from the UK or some anglosphere country where all civilian firearms are illegal. So, naturally, that’s going to put the onerous on that person to prove he’s not a cuck. Sorry Adam, just shut the fuck up.

    Literally, nothing is being added to the podcast from this “person”.

  2. Adam is correct about the dog analogy; however, women no longer arrive at market with potential; i.e., healthy, well-adjusted, conscientious and sane. They arrive utterly broken as blue haired, tattooed, pierced, fatties with chips on their shoulders. Historically, you could purchase a dog from a reputable breeder with a great temperament and pedigree; now they are only available from the pound; poisoned soon after birth, they lack potential, can never be trusted and are best avoided. I therefore concur with Cappy, they cannot be rescued by a good owner, so don’t try.

    • They could be rescued if removed from pop culture, internet, MSM, public school, and women. And by removed I mean removed at birth. But that isn’t going to happen. You are correct – they can’t be fixed.

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