
Stating The Obvious 0716 – A Fiction Book by A Womynz About A Pandemic. Does Any Of This Mandatory Vaxx Propaganda and Pharmaceutical Corporation Ass Kissing Sound Familiar? — 4 Comments

  1. From the slag’s website:

    “Vaccination and treatment are widely available, not held in reserve for the chosen few.”

    • The line is in the book as well. Because we live in a world where only rich white men are allowed to be vaccinated.

      Yet more evidence that women have no idea what’s happening around them. They know feelz, virtue signalling, alpha sperm, and self-preservation.

  2. The email about Henry Rollins was me. No he’s not perfect – far from it – but who is?

    His video from the 90s, Liar, nailed so many things at the time. It’s not like he’s gone full “Reg Against the Machine”. IMO he deserves a pass for saying vaguely pro-homo stuff.

    Nobody’s perfect, TGO. Even you.

    For example, you persist in saying that King James signed Magna Carta (IronClad). You can google the history lesson if you give a shit, but it was King John who first signed the MC in 1215, on an island in the River Thames about 2 miles from my house. King James I of England (James VI of Scotland) came more than 300 years later.

    I hate living near London until I remember how close I am to a thousand years of fascinating history. Then I hear a plane full of darkies approaching LHR and I hate it again.

    Also, you only dwelled on the fascinating challenge of moving your comic books from the cardboard boxes into the big plastic boxes and then into the small plastic boxes for about 10 minutes – I for one would have appreciated a full episode of AM about that intriguing episode. I was looking forward to hearing how you turned the redundant big plastic boxes into a hillbilly aquarium and I can’t even guess how you’re now using those cardboard boxes.

    And, in spite of your cavalcade of irrefutable assertions about #YAWALT, you did mention briefly a few episodes back that you persist in looking for a girlfriend. That needs digging into. Is it an itch you haven’t scratched enough or something? We’re about the same age (if in fact you are 50-ish) and for me, after 30+ years of putting up with women’s bullshit, one of the greatest gifts of my time of life is that my hormones no longer compel me to put my desire to fuck above my desire for reason and autonomy. So, that’s worth exploring.

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