Anarchy Moment 0330 – Everything I Said About The Wuhan Hoax Has Turned Out To Be Right. You’re Welcome.
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Join The Great One as he listens to Jack Spirko (a redneck hippy duck farmer) talk about 20 predictions he made about the Wuhan Hoax which all came true.
The Great One will remind you of all the times he was right about the Wuhan Hoax. The Great One will also make fun of rightards who have suddenly discovered that “science” (the Science Industrial Complex) isn’t actually “science” (the scientific method) and remind you that The Great One, Himself (the founder of the Cynical Libertarian Society) was telling you this 15 fucking years ago.
Unlike some other folks, The Great One does not see any evidence of the Wuhan Hoax going away. The Global Warming Hoax hasn’t gone away. The Overpopulation Hoax hasn’t gone away. The Recycling Hoax hasn’t gone away. The Democracy Hoax hasn’t gone away. The Hoaxocaust hasn’t gone away.
The Wuhan Wackos and Muzzle Morons and Freetards are beyond doubling down and have entered the realm of tripling down. You will soon be required to produce your Geshuntenheitpass.
Here is the post I mentioned in which a man outlines 18 reasons he will not be getting the Wuhan Vaxx.
This is a long one kids. Prepare yourselves.
Show notes for Spirko’s podcast:
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- That time Nancy Pelosi called out Tony Fauci for preventing access to drugs he knew worked – Record of it here
- How Fauci destroyed the career of a prominent scientist for challenging his claims about HIV, then tried to bribe him to change his mind – There is a book about it
- Why you really need to read RFK Jr’s Book about Fauci to fully understand what is going on here – more about that book here
- Remember when I said “CoVid is killing the dying” it is now coming full circle and CoVid is committing suicide
- Here are 20 things we said all along now accepted, proven true or admitted by the media and even the government officials at least tacitly now…..
- HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments and safe for use by humans – HCQ – IVM
- Doctors were silenced and shut down from treating patients or even reporting their results – Just one example
- That CoVid was most likely leaked from a lab in the city where it stated that did research on Corona Viruses – Fauci Silenced those Who Proposed it and called it a “shinny object”
- That Tony Fauci approved funding to that lab where “gain of function” research was done on Corona Viruses – Then he defended doing it.
- That the “death numbers” and “hospital numbers” were wildly inaccurate due to how they were defined – This explains it very well.
- That the vaccine would have little to no real effect on the virus itself – Here you go – And Pfizer’s CEO says its Vaxx does not stop the spread.
- That the vaccine would have serious side effects – 519 Cardiac Arrests and 311 Deaths after the vaxx in professional athletes
- That the vaccine was not really a vaccine but an “experimental genetic therapy” and the FDA changed the definition of vaccine so it could be called a vaccine – Modernas Filing with the SEC saying so, see page 19
- That the government would force people to get vaccinated by various means of force like allowing them to shop, go to places or even keep their jobs and that we would have “Vaccine Passports” and “Workplace Mandates“
- That when the vaccines failed miserably the “unvaccinated” would be blamed – The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
- That when the vaccines continued to fail it would lead to never ending “boosters”
- That lock downs did not impact the spread of the virus – Even Stanford Says So
- That masks did not really do any good at all and caused other problems – Even the MSM Admitted this 18 Months Ago
- That the 6 foot rule was totally arbitrary and would not prevent spread – Even the people who pushed it say so
- That lock downs would cause massive supply chain disruptions that would do far more harm then CoVid – One Example of Many
- That masking children would harm their emotional development and lead to psychological issues – Phycology Today Admits it while Trying to Talk around it here
- That natural immunity was more powerful than any vaccine due to T and B cell immunity – CDC just admitted it was 6X stronger in the “Delta Wave”
- That the spike protein in the vaxx could “cleave off” the injection area leading to side effects – mRNA Tech Co Inventer says So
- That the vaccine would cause issues for fertility especially in women or interfere with their menstrual cycles, etc. – Women are menstruating long after menopause
- That the numbers in VAERS as bad as they are were vastly under reported – Even a Columbia Study Said So
The final thing we have said for far longer than CoVid has been around is that the government and media could not be trusted, all of you that mocked us may now apologize.
Source material for this episode:
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something something exterminations something something soon enough
personally I don’t see SHTF until people start getting hungry. you can strip peoples autonomy from them, put them in quarantine camps and make them infertile. But unless they’re starving and desperate, they wont do shit. Humans are funny like that, the mind finds a way to prolong itself by running an insane amount of damage control and making excuses for as long as it can to keep itself alive.
because what’s the alternative? realise that mistakes have been made, and that through only through violent rebellion can they be remedied wholly? that sort of thinking gets you either arrested or dead, and you can’t swaddle yourself in luxurious comforts and live in an apathetic state until you kick the bucket.
the path of least resistance is where people travel down to stick their head in the sand, “no, we don’t have a problem. I don’t mind that we have had our freedom of assembly taken away, or that we’re forced to into medical experiments”. its a slow and systemic method of elimination, they got us all into this mess in small, incremental steps, taking any one huge leap would have been disastrous for any gubermint as long as 3 years ago.
shits fucked cunt, but you don’t give enough credit to the normies. while i too don’t think the normies are waking up anytime soon. you need to think of them like a resource. they’re there to be used, like a tool. and if we aren’t wielding them, then someone else is, someone like the state. and correct me if wrong, but it’s been through the normies that mass compliance has been achieved. so if it’s possible to sow dissent into the normies, things can be destabilized to their disfavour too. no, they will never truly be awake or sentient. but they can be used nonetheless.
take the normie-pill, great one. it’s a hard pill to swallow, yes. but things don’t get better without a relatively large amount of people threatening to riot and rebel.
Normies are indeed a resource. Anyone who figures out how to mine them strikes gold.
What is the RD era going to be like? Imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.
But the boot will be free!
I refer to muzzles as cuckmasks. ‘They’ really hate that.
I like it.
it will be interesting to see if they release another variant and ramp up the fear again in the media.
New variant. Every year. Bet on it.
Another good show Great One!
I wonder if Jack has researched the ethnicity of the main players in Pfizer and Moderna. I bet he’ll flip a lid. He will probably blame “the nazis” because of a Hollywood movie he watched that was made by a kike.
But whatever.
Let me guess. Are these main players some of God’s Chosen People?