The Superstition Podcast 0020 – Do You Have Your WuVaxx Passport? The Great One Doesn’t and That’s Why He’s Not In The People’s Republic Of Fort Kollins This Week.
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The Retarded Dystopia is in full swing and despite the masturbatory fantasies of the cuckservatives and Cucks-for-Christ the truth (settled science in fact) is that the libtards and NPCs are not “waking up.”
The NPCs have gone full retard and once you go full retard there is no going back.
If any of these links go dead PDF versions of everything will be in a zip file available via the source material link below.
And… Begin!
In order to attend the theatre in Denver, Fort Collins, and surrounding areas of The Soviet Socialist State of Colorado:
The following policy applies to ticketed indoor seated performances in: Boettcher Concert Hall, Ellie Caulkins Opera House and the Buell, Garner Galleria, Wolf, Kilstrom, Singleton and Jones theatres.
All patrons 12+ must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before attending indoor seated performances at the Arts Complex. (See FAQ for details)
Children 5-11 must show either proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. Approved tests include: PCR test (72 hours before the show) or an Antigen test (6 hours before the show) from an official testing center. (See FAQ for details)
Children under 4 must show a negative COVID-19 test. (See above for approved tests)
Masks are required for all audience members 2+ unless consuming refreshments in designated areas.
*“Fully vaccinated” means individuals must complete their full course of COVID-19 shot(s) 14 days prior to an event.
If you are unable to adhere to these policies, contact the Box Office to discuss your options, which include refunds, credit on account or donating tickets back to the DCPA.
The will be no Wuhan Vaxx passport. That is a vast right-wing White nationalist conspiracy theory.
Initially (if I remember correctly) negative Wuhan tests were accepted for adults. Now adults must be vaxxed. A negative Wuhan test is not sufficient.
“A negative COVID test” only applies to children 11 and under. Children must have taken a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the performance start time, or a COVID-19 antigen test within six hours of the performance start time at an official testing center.
It’s only going to be 15 days to flatten the curve. To protect our most vulnerable. Do you want old people to die? (The correct answer to that question is “yes.”) Once everyone is vaxxed we can go back to normal. Given their policy of only admitting the vaxxed that means everyone in the Denver Center for a performance is vaxxed. Which means they should be able to behave “normally” while in a building filled only with vaxxed NPCs.
Right? Because the vaxx “works” doesn’t it?
And what does getting back to normal look like?
Arrive early to allow extra time in the event that vaccination verification is required.
Theatre entry will take place 30 minutes before curtain. Please move swiftly to your seat and don’t linger unnecessarily in the lobby.
Food and beverage may be consumed in the lobby but are not permitted inside the theatre. Water fountains are unavailable.
Stay in your seat unless using the restroom or enjoying refreshments in the lobby.
Seating capacity will be fully utilized. To limit exposure to individuals who are not in your immediate seating area, we encourage social distancing while waiting to enter or purchase concessions. Additionally, we may opt to stagger entry / exit and limit capacity to small enclosures such as elevators and restrooms. Please note signage, Performance Reminder emails, and instructions from ushers and security personnel.
Stay in your seat, don’t linger in the lobby, and free water will not be available for your extended duration experience as your WuVaxx Passport is inspected by security personnel.
What if you really want to see a show and you don’t wanna WuVaxx? For the moment you can bring an exemption form.
Will there be accommodations for medical conditions, disability, or strongly held religious beliefs that may exempt me from being vaccinated?
Patrons who need an accommodation due to a medical condition, disability, or a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance that prevents them from taking the vaccine must present all of the following:
Completed and signed COVID-19 Vaccination Exemption Accommodation Form. Please note, one form per patron including each minor. Download Form Here.
Proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test, which are described under “Testing Questions.”
Masks are required regardless of accommodation for all patrons ages 2+.
Link to exemption form:
The NPCs will argue that the WuVaxx passport is not really a passport. As we have watched things like herd immunity get redefined so will the definition of the word passport change to accommodate the needs of the Great Replacement.
Did the WHO “secretly” change their definition of herd immunity?
THE ANSWERThe WHO has changed their definition of herd immunity on their COVID-19 page over the course of the year.
But it hasn’t been done in secret. They’ve explained why they’ve made such changes whenever updates are made. And the organization’s website specifically says that the information on the page could change and evolve over time.
. . . . .
So yes, the WHO changed the definition for herd immunity on one of their Q&A pages. But no, it wasn’t a secret. It explained why it changed the definition and mentioned it in a media briefing. The WHO says the answers and definitions on that page will change with time. And recently, they brought back their original definition to help further explain why they’re now focusing on vaccinations for herd immunity.
Yes. They changed the definition. Not in secret. Right out in the open. Which is easy to do when 97% of the population is comprised of unthinking sheep. As I have talked about on this podcast – and will delve into more when I get to it – the media is now telling people not to engage in critical thinking. Not metaphorically. Literally. Critical thinking isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.
Think about YouTube conspiracy theorists or many QAnon or anti-vaccine influencers. Their tactic, as Mr. Caulfield noted, is to flatter viewers while overloading them with three-hour videos laced with debunked claims and pseudoscience, as well as legitimate information. “The internet offers this illusion of explanatory depth,” he said. “Until 20 seconds ago, you’d never thought about, say, race and IQ, but now, suddenly, somebody is treating you like an expert. It’s flattering your intellect, and so you engage, but you don’t really stand a chance.”
Look at how much is going on in this one paragraph above. QAnon, anti-vaxx, race and IQ. You can’t believe or trust any of this. If you question the vaxx you are a racist anti-vaxx QAnon follower.
By the way, who exactly was it that explained the internet offers the illusion of infinite knowledge and thus makes people more superficial in their understanding of the world? That’s right. It was The Great One, Himself. I did a whole podcast on the Infinity Illusion. You’re welcome.
Now the State, the pharmaceutical corporations, and others who seek to control you are using the superficial understanding which comes from looking at YouTube videos to manipulate NPCs into thinking there is a pandemic which is killing huge numbers of people.
But not killing so many people that you can’t still order stuff from Amazon and have some 37 year old single mother with three baby daddies and $250,000 of student load debt bring you a pizza because the only job she can find is working for DoorDash and you don’t know how to cook your own food because youre a giant faggot poser like Cobra Tate.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced a lawsuit against DoorDash, Inc., a food delivery service, for its practice of encouraging consumers to tip for food deliveries and then pocketing those tips instead of passing them along to workers. In its lawsuit, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) alleges that DoorDash led consumers to believe that any tips would go directly to food delivery workers, while instead effectively treating this money as extra profit for the company. OAG is seeking to recover from DoorDash millions of dollars in tip money that consumers thought they were paying to workers, and to impose civil penalties.
“DoorDash misled consumers, who reasonably believed that their tips would go to workers, not the company’s bottom line,” said AG Racine. “We are filing suit to put a stop to this deceptive practice and secure monetary relief for those harmed by DoorDash’s actions.”
The goal post will continue to move on what constitutes herd immunity. I can tell you for a fact right now that herd immunity to Wuhan will never be achieved. Ever. Never. No matter what happens the State will simply redefine herd immunity so the definition is not what is actually happening. They don’t even need to hide information or do things in the dark. This will happen right out in the open with all the NPCs looking at it.
On 18 March, 2021 was written:
As COVID-19 vaccination rates pick up around the world, people have reasonably begun to ask: how much longer will this pandemic last? It’s an issue surrounded with uncertainties. But the once-popular idea that enough people will eventually gain immunity to SARS-CoV-2 to block most transmission — a ‘herd-immunity threshold’ — is starting to look unlikely.
That threshold is generally achievable only with high vaccination rates, and many scientists had thought that once people started being immunized en masse, herd immunity would permit society to return to normal. Most estimates had placed the threshold at 60–70% of the population gaining immunity, either through vaccinations or past exposure to the virus. But as the pandemic enters its second year, the thinking has begun to shift. In February, independent data scientist Youyang Gu changed the name of his popular COVID-19 forecasting model from ‘Path to Herd Immunity’ to ‘Path to Normality’. He said that reaching a herd-immunity threshold was looking unlikely because of factors such as vaccine hesitancy, the emergence of new variants and the delayed arrival of vaccinations for children.
At one time 60-70% was herd immunity. But then the definition changed. NPCs will make the argument that “science learned new things” which is something I’ll deal with another time. If you can’t spot at least three problems with that statement you aren’t smart enough to be reading this.
There are two things about the Wuhan Hoax which we can say for a fact because we have evidence for them. These statements are indeed settled science.
1. If you get the vaxx and you still get Wuhan, no matter how severe or not severe your Wuhan infection is, if you go to a doctor the doctor will say “If you hadn’t had the vaxx it would have been worse.”
The doctor will present no evidence to support this opinion. There is no evidence for this. But it will be said. By a person who went to medical school. With a straight face. And why will the doctor say this to you? Because he watched a YouTube video.
I worked for eight years with people (I’m not going to call them scientists) who studied viruses. Actual virologists. Studying weaponized viruses. What the average doctor knows about virology is nothing. What the above average doctor knows about virology is almost nothing. Doctor are not virologist. Doctors are pushers for the pharmaceutical corporations.
2. The pandemic will never end. The closest thing to evidence of a pandemic is some old people dying. Old people die. It’s what they do.
Let’s do some hate logic:
Statement: Old people dying is evidence of the Wuhan pandemic.
Statement: Old people are not going to stop dying.
Conclusion: The pandemic will never end.
Actually it will. As I outlined in Stating The Obvious 701 the pandemic will not end until the power stops working and the internet goes out. At that time the average person will have actual survival to concern themselves with and the State will be crippled in it’s ability to manipulate people with made up history, definitions, and facts. Manipulating them the old fashion way – with violence – will not be out of the question. It will be more difficult without electricity.
Now that “science has learned” we now know (until it changes, and it will) it will take an 85-90% vaxx rate to reach herd immunity. Until the definition of herd immunity changes again.
Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center, estimated that roughly 15 percent of the U.S. population might have immunity from prior infection, which is not as strong or durable as immunity from vaccines.
Many of those people have also been vaccinated, but even assuming the two groups didn’t overlap and so 74 percent of Americans had some level of immunity, that still would not be enough to end the pandemic, said Dr. Gounder. It would probably take an 85 to 90 percent vaccination rate to make the coronavirus endemic, she said.
“When vaccines rolled out, people in their minds said, ‘Covid is over,’” Dr. Gounder said. “And so even if not enough people are vaccinated, their behavior returned — at least for some people — to more normal, and with that changing behavior you have an increase in transmission.”
How about some of that terrible critical thinking applied to this batch of word vomit.
1. Natural immunity is not a strong or durable as vaxx immunity. Before vaccines were redefined a vaccine was a process by which a dead or weakened virus was injected into your body so that you natural immune system could experience the virus and form a defence for it.
This process which utilized your natural immune system worked for every virus for which a vaccine was created.
But now “science has learned” (thanks to the double pronged need for pharmaceutical corporations to make money and boomers to live forever) and suddenly the natural immune system which seems to have worked just fine over millions of years of evolution is now inferior to a substance created in a laboratory by three white men did most of the work while burdened by a cadre of affirmative action hires attempted to accuse them of fag tag me too.
Science has also learned that vaccines now require boosters. In fact boosters could be needed as often as twice a year. For the rest of your life.
Science didn’t previously know that. Certainly not for any of the vaccines I’ve gotten. In fact despite being an anti-vaxxer I’ve had more vaccines (real ones, not fake ones that need two boosters a year) than most anyone reading this.
Between being born, going to public school, going to college, working in a hospital, working in a dialysis clinic, working in biomedical research (with real weaponized viruses which would actually kill 90% of the population if they escaped the lab), and being the military – where I was vaccinate with (wait for it) an experimental vaccine (this in not a joke) – I have had more vaccinations (real ones, not fake ones) than most of the population.
Only one of those vaccinations required a booster. That booster was needed ten years later.
2. Pretending for the moment that the vaxx gives you immunity to the Wuhan – it doesn’t – we now need 85 to 90% of people to be immune in order to achieve herd immunity. As with 15 Days To Flatten The Curve the goalposts will move however far and however often they need to in order to make sure your behaviour, movement, assembly, and freedom remain controlled.
3. The pandemic has been made worse because some people began to behave “more normal” and that increased the transmission. Normal behaviour is dangerous.
NPCs are convinced that transmission of the virus has nothing to do with any of these things:
- Old age.
- Being fat.
- Being diabetic.
- Being sedentary.
- Being depressed.
- Eating a poor diet.
- Eating the diet outlined for you be the State.
- Being on assorted medications.
- Not going outside in the sun.
- Eating grain and wheat products every day.
- Not eating fish, red meat, vegetables, and nuts.
- Expecting every problem with your body to be cured by a pill.
- Being the most sick, unhealthy and medicated society in the multi-million year history of the human species during which the human immune system worked just fine.
- Having a compromised immune system.
None of those things contributed to the pandemic. The pandemic was entirely caused by anti-vaxxers who behaved normally.
Here in South Dakota things are mostly normal. There is a bit of muzzling here and there and it’s easy enough to avoid it. Otherwise people go about their business. Theatres are open. You can go see a movie. Outdoor and indoor concerts continue as normal. No WuVaxx passport required.
Meanwhile, back in the People’s Republic of Fort Kollins the annual outdoor music festival has been cancelled. Forever. Because Wuhan. Just as soon as you get vaxxed you can go back to normal.
Like most organizations during the pandemic, we have reflected on our work and have decided now is the time to reevaluate how to best serve the community through live music. We have decided to discontinue Bohemian Nights at NewWestFest. The festival holds a special place in our hearts, and we’re grateful for 15 years of building community at the festival through live music.
Fort Collins is a vibrant music city. We’re excited for Thursday Night Live in 2022 and look forward to finding new ways to build community through live music. Check back here for updates in 2022.
“Reevaluate how to best serve the community.” I bet you’ll never guess which of the 87 genders the person who wrote that identifies as.
And should you want to attend an indoor concert you will need… Well, I’m pretty sure you can figure it out.
Washington’s and The Armory will be requiring proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours, with an ID, for entry into our venues effective immediately.
Masks will also be required for entry and for the duration of the event.
And still the NPCs will vomit forth their hate for the Pure Bloods (we capitalize Pure Bloods and White on this website) as embedded in the phrase “if everyone would get vaccinated we can go back to normal.”
When an NPC whines this phrase in your direction remember that you are dealing with a person (I use the word person loosely) who also believes that you need wear a muzzle after getting vaxxed so you don’t get Wuhan. Unless you are eating or drinking. In which case you are safe from Wuhan because Wuhan can’t infect you if you are shoving calories into your mouth.
They are not smart. We could ask ourselves “Are the NPCs so stupid they believe that or do they think I’m stupid enough to believe that?”
My theory is that they are stupid enough to believe that. Join me on a voyage of the imagination.
Let’s pretend we live in a land where everyone forgets what happened yesterday when they go to sleep. They wake up each day able to remember things like where they live, what their name is, how to talk, where they go to sit in a cubical for 8 hours doing meaningless tasks to make other people wealthy, how much credit card debt they have. But they have no recollection of any specific events that happened in the last 24 hours.
Fuck pretending. That’s gay. You know what the fuck I just described. I described the world we live in. I described the Retarded Dystopia. No one remembers it was 15 Days To Flatten The Curve so the hospitals wouldn’t get “overwhelmed”. Which they never did and still haven’t and if they ever do it will be only because the hospitals fired all the Pure Bloods and failed to prepare for the Wuhan pandemic.
We are 623 days into 15 Days To Flatten The Curve. Why are hospitals not yet able to deal with the pandemic? What have they been spending all that Wuhan money they got from the federal government on? Why haven’t they added more ICU beds?
These are all questions that NPCs can not answer. These are questions NPCs will not even think about. NPCs have been told anyone who engages in critical thinking is a White nationalist anti-vaxxer.
No one remembers when Democrats were anti-vaxxers. That was yesterday. They can’t remember yesterday.
These same people who think religions people are anti-vaxx because they are religious also believe the vaxx is a gift from God. In fact getting vaxxed is what God wants. That’s part of God’s plan. NPCs somehow have direct access to, knowledge of, and complete understanding of God’s plan.
If an NPC can understand your plan you have a bad plan.
And once everyone is vaxxed we can deal with real problems. Like racial injustice.
These same people have literally Hitler no memory of when the vaxx was 100% effective protection against hospitalization and death.
Today you aren’t fully vaxxed unless you’ve had your booster.
Tomorrow the NPCs will have no memory that only one booster was needed. Tomorrow it will be two boosters and then things can go back to normal. So long as you’re muzzled. And distanced.
And the day after tomorrow? Well the number of boosters is limited only by the financial desires of the pharmaceutical CEOs. While we can lob a great number of insults at the pharmaceutical CEOs let’s give them their due. Call them evil, intelligent, imaginative, greedy, whatever adjective you like – they have enough of that adjective to inject their chemical into a massive number of people around the globe.
In all my years of life I’ve managed to inject my chemical into only a painfully small number of girls. And those girls were all small. No fat chycks. I didn’t make any money in the process either. In fact I lost money. I paid for sex. Just like every man who has sex pays for it.
No Cobra Tate, you’re not a unicorn. You pay for sex as well. If nothing else you have to do that acting job you do in all your videos and you gave Anthony “DREAM!” Johnson a blow job on YouTube.
The pharmaceutical CEOs win this one by a landslide.
The NPCs don’t remember when we “reached a level of immunity where the pandemic isn’t over, but where we are safer.” No. Really. I’m not making this up. A homosexual (((Jew))) said so. It must be true. Or do you deny the Hoaxocaust? Vaxxed NPCs can now go free of the muzzle in Colorado. Oh wait… This was in May of 2021. That was yesterday. None of the NPCs remember this.
Fully vaccinated Coloradans can now go without masks in most public settings unless a specific business or local regulation requires otherwise, Gov. Jared Polis said Friday. The announcement comes on the heels of the Centers for Disease Control’s new guidance that vaccinated people can safely stop wearing masks.
“We are going from mask wearing requirements to mask wearing suggestions,” Polis said. “This is certainly a big step. We’ve reached a level of immunity where the pandemic isn’t over, but where we are safer.”
Polis cautioned that it may take several weeks for businesses to adjust their rules, so Coloradans should still keep a mask on hand.
“I’m going to bring my mask with me everywhere in my pocket,” Polis said. “And when asked, of course, as a matter of respect, I’ll put it on and there will be many businesses that continue to do that, perhaps your local grocery store for the next few weeks, perhaps other businesses that are frequented by others.”
. . . . .
The CDC’s new guidance applies only to vaccinated people. Once immunized, the CDC says you can “resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.”
. . . . .
“COVID-19 is now a preventable disease,” said Tom Gonzales, the county’s public health director. “We are grateful to our residents for the actions they continue to take to end the pandemic.”
Wuhan is “now a preventable disease.” But I guess “science learned” since then. Things which could not be true:
1. The experts lied.
2. The experts had no idea what they were talking about.
3. The experts were lying and had no idea what they were talking about.
What the NPCs do know for a fact is that everything the experts say today is true. Everything the experts say today is settled science. Those things the experts said yesterday? What things? The NPCs can’t remember yesterday. Things said yesterday were never said. Yesterday is (say it with me) a vast right-wing White nationalist conspiracy theory.
But enough about yesterday. We don’t want to associate with yesterday and White nationalism. We want to be progressive and look to the future along with the NPCs. We want to embrace the Great Replacement.
As we move into this Brave New World where the Pure Bloods and the vaxxed will live in parallel societies one of the ways in which we will be separated will be where we live.
Strategic Group, a Calgary-based real estate company that owns multi-family residential communities in Alberta, now requires that all employees, residents, and prospective residents be vaccinated.
“Vaccination of everyone in our community is the only way we are going to get through this pandemic and back to a sense of normalcy,” said Riaz Mamdani, CEO of Strategic Group. “The safety of our team and our residents is a top priority, so ensuring full vaccination across the board is the least we can do.”
Any individual who wishes to tour a Strategic Group property must show proof of vaccination prior to a tour. All new residents must also show proof of vaccination prior to moving into their new home. Current residents must show proof of vaccination to access indoor amenities such a fitness centre or party room. Anyone unable to be vaccinated (i.e.: children under the age of 12) is exempt until able to receive a vaccine.
Who predicted that you would need the vaxx to rent a house or apartment? Yes, that’s right. The Great One, Himself called this one as well. You are welcome.
I wonder if the housing options for the vaxxed and the Pure Blood will be separate but equal? I for one look forward to being socially distanced from the freetards. I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life attempting to distance myself from the inferior, the NPCs, the affirmative action hires, the POX, the fat womynz, the boomers, the libtards, and on and on. Will the WuVaxx passport (which isn’t a real thing – it’s only a right-wing White nationalist conspiracy theory) or rather the lack of a WuVaxx passport be the tool that allows me to finally distance myself from the freetards, fucktards, libtards, and tardtards?
Meanwhile it seems there are anti-vaxxers in that organization that cuckservatives love so much, that most Republican vehicle for welfare and wealth redistribution, the military.
Only about two-thirds of troops offered the vaccine have taken it, said Air Force Maj. Gen. Jeff Taliaferro, vice director of operations at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee. Air Force Maj. Gen. Steven Nordhaus, director of operations at the National Guard Bureau said the Guard is seeing similar rates. “Our experience mirrors the preliminary data that we’re seeing in other communities,” added Joint Staff Surgeon Brig. Gen. Paul Friedrichs.
About 359,000 troops have received their first vaccine dose; about 147,000 of those have received a second dose, said Robert Salesses, acting assistant defense secretary for homeland defense and global security.
Defense officials aren’t tracking why so many troops are turning down the vaccine.
“We don’t have a system in place across the services to specifically track data for those individuals who for whatever reason are declining or deferring the vaccine,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a briefing on Wednesday.
“Nobody is hiding data,” Kirby said when asked about the HASC testimony. “There’d be no reason for us to hide data when we can tell you exactly how many people are getting the vaccines. If there’s something more that was testified today, I promise I will get it to you, but nobody is trying to hide anything here.”
Check my facts on this and let me know if I’ve got these right.
1. The most powerful and well funded military in the history of the human species:
1A. Just got their asses kicked by goat herders with AK-47s and home-made bombs.
1B. Has no ability to ask their soldiers “Why don’t you want the vaxx?” and then write the answer to that question on a piece of paper.
2. The military of the United States make the claim they are not “hiding data.” This is about as believable as me claiming to not be sexually interested in redheaded volleyball girls.
I was in the military and I know things you don’t. Things which I rather figured would be public knowledge by now. But these things happened yesterday. And yesterday is what kids? That’s right. White nationalist conspiracy theory.
But wait, there’s more.
During the Gulf War, the Defense Department asked for and the Federal Drug Administration established a special rule for military personnel that allowed command leadership to throw “informed consent” out the window for investigational new drugs, or IND, vaccines. The rule was meant to protect service members from “weaponized biological or chemical agents.”
More than 300,000 doses of the IND vaccine Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed (AVA) were distributed during Operation Desert Storm, probably to more than 150,000 service members. Years later, in 1997, Defense Secretary William Cohen launched the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, or AVIP, in response to concerns about new biological weaponry. That program had 522,529 service members vaccinated with 2,098,544 doses of AVA by November 2001.
Many of these troops began reporting medically unexplained symptoms. A 2002 Government Accountability Office investigation showed that 85 percent of those who received the anthrax vaccine experienced adverse effects — more than double the rate that the vaccine manufacturer claimed.
The government bypassed informed consent and injected people with an untested vaxx? No way. Is this the same government which is currently pushing the vaxx on children who are incapable of informed consent? What are the odds there could be adverse effects.
And take note of this sentence:
A 2002 Government Accountability Office investigation showed that 85 percent of those who received the anthrax vaccine experienced adverse effects — more than double the rate that the vaccine manufacturer claimed.
Think hard on this one. The 85% adverse effect rate was more than double what the manufacturer expected and what the military was willing to accept. The military injected this vaxx into it’s solders expecting a 40% adverse effect rate. Forty percent adverse effect rate. Expected and acceptable.
And the NPC will say “The vaxx has been tested.”
And what is the adverse effect rate for the Wuhan vaxx? We will never know because that data will always be obscured. In fact that data will never be gathered. There are questions that must not be asked.
When there is a school shooting no one is allowed to ask these questions about the shooter:
1. Was he raised by a single mother?
2. Can the father be reached for comment?
3. Does he know who his father ever is?
4. Did he have ADHD and/or other made up mental illnesses?
5. How much does he weigh?
6. Does he go to the gym?
7. Is he on medication?
8. What does his typical diet look like?
9. How much time does he spend outside?
Without asking those questions we can never discover what’s really going on. But not discovering what’s really going on is the whole point.
When a fourteen year old has a heart attack there are questions we can not ask. Yes. Fourteen year old kids now have heart attacks. The NPCs think this is normal. I was once 14 years old and I knew a bunch of other 14 year old kids at the time. None of them every had heart attacks.
The 14-year-old collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest after taking to the field for a soccer game on October 15.
When athletes, not to mention 14 year old athletes, have heart attacks there are questions we are not allowed to ask. Question like:
1. Was this person vaxxed?
2. With which vaxx?
3. How many athletes per year have had heart attacks while playing sports in the previous 50 years?
Professional athletes, who are among the healthiest people on the planet, are collapsing with inexplicable and sudden heart conditions, often while in the middle of playing their games. The only common thread among them is that they were all recently injected with the Covid-19 jabs.
Unfortunately, this truth is being kept under wraps. Nobody’s allowed to state the obvious or ask questions that could expose the reality of great harm being caused by the vaccines. Just yesterday, stories emerged, including video, of professional soccer star Adama Traore collapsing on the field while grabbing at his chest. But when one of the announcers started inquiring on-air about his vaccine status, the broadcast was cut off.
The facts surrounding this long string of events, which includes nearly six dozen fallen athletes in the last month alone, are thin. Literally nobody on the teams, in the hospitals where the athletes are treated, or among media is talking about the obvious connection between jabs and young people experiencing sudden heart problems. We’re stuck in the ultimate medical Catch-22; nobody’s allowed to say that it’s the vaccines because there’s no “proof” but nobody with access is allowed to inquire to find the proof.
By definition, this is a conspiracy. There was a time not too long ago when an athlete falling from a medical condition on the field would be front-page news with investigative reporters working with doctors to determine what happened. Today, investigative reporters have been replaced by vaccine propagandists and doctors have been replaced by Big Pharma narrative-enforcers. And by “replaced,” I’m not saying there are new people at the helm. It’s the same people. Their missions have changed (or been changed for them) in the age of Covid and The Great Reset.
I can (and did in the podcast) make fun of this cuckservative website. But here is the take away. At this link you will find a list of 69 (nice number) athletes who had heart attacks or similar occurrences within a month. The list has actual names. The information on this list could be verified or denied.
A person could confirm or deny that each of these incidents happened.
A person could attempt to confirm or deny that each of these people was vaxxed, and if vaxxed determine which vaxx and if they were boostered.
This research may or may not show a correlation between vaxxing and healthy people dying.
Now think about the current big lie the NPCs are repeating. Ninety percent, or 95%, or 99%, or 105% – whatever the made up number is today – of Wuhan hospitalizations and deaths are the Pure Bloods. Yet have you noticed there sure are a lot of stories about vaxxed NPCs dying of Wuhan.
I just now typed “dies of covid” into Google and here are the first 10 results that come up in the news search:
1. The families of dead Pure Bloods are attacked and targetted by compassionate pro-vaxxers.
Vaxx status = Pure Blood
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = unknown
2. A child dies from something that isn’t Wuhan but was of course (of course it was) caused by Wuhan.
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = unknown
3. Fat woman dies. “Her multiple organ failure caused by the blood clots was as a result of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a condition not recognised at the time of her death, the inquest heard.”
Vaxx status = Vaxxed.
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = fat
4. Woman dies of Wuhan. “The father of a woman who died of COVID has said he has “no doubt” she would still be alive if she had received the vaccine. Stephen Baird, whose 27-year-old daughter Rashelle died a week ago in Scotland, has urged others to get the jab.” The father could be reached for comment and apparently he is an expert on vaccines.
Vaxx status = Pure Blood
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = unknown
5. Same story as #2.
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = unknown
6. “A Benton County sheriff’s deputy died of COVID-19 on November 25. Deputy Joshua Pierson died Thanksgiving morning after battling COVID-19, his sister said in a GoFundMe post.”
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = yes
Overweight status = yes
7. “A Valley husband and father has passed away after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia.” Death certificate will way Wuhan. The pneumonia will be ignored.
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = yes
Overweight status = yes
8. “But on Friday, the zoo announced that the leopards — Everest, Makalu and Ranney — had died of complications from covid-19, about one month after the animals had tested positive for the coronavirus.” I’m not making this up.
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = most captive wild animals lack the muscle development they would have in the wild
9. “Tamara Drock, 47, of Loxahatchee, Florida, died 12 weeks after being admitted to Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center for treatment. Her husband, Ryan Drock, sued the hospital last month in an attempt to require it to administer ivermectin, a drug approved by the FDA only to treat conditions caused by parasitic worms but not COVID-19.”
Vaxx status = Unknown. That question must not be asked.
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = yes
10. “”Was he vaccinated? No, he was not,” Logan said. “If he’d only been vaccinated, wouldn’t he still be here? Obviously, we’ll never know.””
Vaxx status = Pure Blood
Go Fund Me status = unknown
Overweight status = not fat
Right then. We have 7 data points in our sample. We toss out the first story as it’s about multiple people, not a single person, plus it’s behind a pay wall and I don’t have time to deal with getting around it. We toss out one of the stored about the child. We toss out the snow leopards.
Of the seven deaths left:
Pure Bloods = 2
Vaxxed = 1
Unknown = 4
We know, for a fact, that three of the unknowns (the adults) were vaxxed. That is a fact. How do we know this is a fact? Had they been Pure Bloods that information would have been in the article.
When the race of a criminal is not mentioned you know he is black.
When a person dies of Wuhan and their vaxx status is not mentioned you know they were vaxxed.
And yet the NPCs will maintain that most of the Wuhan deaths are amongst the Pure Bloods.
Tell ya what NPCs. You put together a list of 69 Pure Bloods who “died of Wuhan” in a one month period and send that to me. I’ll be waiting but not holding my breath.
And now for the future. We enter round three of the Wuhan Hoax with the Omicron variant.
By the way, does anyone know of a White nationalist podcaster who predicted there would be a new variant of the Wuhan every year?
You’re welcome.
And who isn’t currently fully vaccinated yet? The childrenz. And by golly, almost (((almost))) as if it were planned, what group of people does the Omicron Wuhan variant affect?
You guessed it.
Da childrenz.
JOHANNESBURG — A new coronavirus variant has been detected in South Africa that scientists say is a concern because of its high number of mutations and rapid spread among young people in Gauteng, the country’s most populous province, Health Minister Joe Phaahla announced Thursday.
. . . . .
“This new variant has many, many more mutations,” including more than 30 to the spike protein that affects transmissibility, he said. “We can see that the variant is potentially spreading very fast. We do expect to start seeing pressure in the healthcare system in the next few days and weeks.”
And we are going to run with the whole “hospitals will overflow” narrative yet again.
While scientists do not know a lot about this strain yet, it is believed to be more transmissible than previous variants.
. . . . .
At a press conference on Sunday, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said vaccines would help provide protection against the Omicron variant, but it would only be known in the coming weeks just how much protection they offered.
. . . . .
Meanwhile, the makers of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax vaccines said they had plans to adapt their shots to combat the Omicron variant.
The pharmaceutical firms expect to be able to tweak the vaccines to be effective against the new variant within 100 days.
Scientist do not know a lot. Exactly.
One hundred days to modify the vaxx for the new variant. Only a NPC could believe this has been tested.
Israel is barring entry to all foreigners, making it the first country to shut its borders completely in response to the new and potentially more contagious Omicron coronavirus variant.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also said the country would use counter-terrorism phone-tracking technology in order to contain the spread of the COVID-19 variant.
He said the travel ban, pending government approval, would last 14 days.
Fourteen days to flatten the curve. We’ve heard that one before haven’t we? Well, we have. The NPCs have no recollection of this.
Meanwhile here in the country that funds and protects Israel:
Americans need to be prepared to do “anything and everything” to fight the omicron Covid variant, U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday.
Still, it’s “too early to say” whether lockdowns or new mandates will be appropriate, Fauci said on ABC’s “This Week.”
. . . . .
Biotech companies have sprung into action to fight against omicron. Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer Paul Burton said Sunday the vaccine maker could roll out a reformulated vaccine against the omicron coronavirus variant early next year. Although it’s not clear whether new formulations will be needed or if current vaccines will provide appropriate protection.
Remember “As soon as everyone gets vaxxed we can go back to normal.” Oh yea, that was yesterday.
The “biotech companies” have “sprung into action.” I feel safer already.
And finally – because I’ve spent four hours of my finite life writing this (you’re fucking welcome) – let’s wrap this up with news from the nation that gave us the Blitzkrieg and the Most Hated Man Ever, a man who was literally Donald Trump, the one and only Adolf Hitler.
Germany’s health minister has issued a stark warning to the country’s public, telling citizens that vaccination was the key to their survival.
“Some would say this is cynical but probably by the end of this winter, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, recovered or dead … That’s the reality,” Jens Spahn told a press conference in Berlin on Monday.
. . . . .
Several states and cities have already imposed stricter rules requiring the public to show Covid passes, which have an individual’s vaccination status or if they’ve just recovered from the virus (also widely known as “2G rules” as they refer to whether people are vaccinated — “geimpft” in German — or recovered, “genesen”) in order to access bars, restaurants and other public venues like movie theaters or museums.
You’ll be vaxxed, recovered, or dead. I think that’s the sound of the State threatening you with extermination if you don’t give up control of your body.
“Covid passes.” But that’s not a WuVaxx passport. There is no WuVaxx passport. Fucking say it with me gang.
“That’s a right-wing White nationalist conspiracy theory.”
But here’s the real killer. Pun intended. You want assisted suicide in the Fatherland because you’re too dumb or lazy or incompetent to kill yourself?
Not so fast Pure Blood.
Germany: Euthanasia Association To Only Help Vaccinated Amid Rising Number Of COVID Cases
Euthanasia and the attendant preparations require “human closeness,” which is a prerequisite and breeding ground for coronavirus transmission.
Euthanasia and the attendant preparations require “human closeness,” which is a prerequisite and breeding ground for coronavirus transmission, according to a statement made by the group. As numerous European countries proceeded to impose new limitations aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19, the German Euthanasia Association (Verein Sterbehilfe) declared that it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease. The Euthanasia Association said in a statement put on its website that both euthanasia and the preparatory study of the voluntary responsibility of our members wanting to die requires human closeness.
Let me say it again so that even the cucks in the nosebleed seats can here me.
Not only is this the hill to die on, this is the hill to kill on.
You’re welcome.
Source material for this episode:
The introductory ambience to The Superstition Podcast is Rise of the Ancients from Tabletop Audio.
The Superstition Podcast theme song is Superstition by Stevie Wonder.
Are you superstitious? Do you believe in things you don’t understand? Things like global warming, fiat currency, HIV exploding in the heterosexual population, healing crystals, astrology, liberal arts degrees, Wuhan virus exploding among young healthy people, and the State? The Superstition Podcast is here to enlighten you and save your from your own stupidity. ‘Cause when you believe in things you don’t understand you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way.
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The Superstition Podcast 0020 – Do You Have Your WuVaxx Passport? The Great One Doesn’t and That’s Why He’s Not In The People’s Republic Of Fort Kollins This Week. — No Comments
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