Stating The Obvious 0656 – (((Jew))) Week Episode II: Women Are Going To Vote You Right Into Your Grave.
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You’ve heard of shark week. This is (((Jew))) week. How often can The Great One reference (((Jews))) in the podcast? Pretty damn often.
It’s also make fun of The Goddamn Bacon for not having a working RSS feed week. You can find The Goddamn Bacon at (wait for it) Who fucking knew? But you’ll have to manually download each podcast. Why? Because his RSS feed don’t work. Why? How the fuck should I know. Maybe he’s half (((Jewish))).
Did you know that Republicucks fought a “civil war” to “free the slaves” and by “free the slaves” I mean suppress the power of the states over the power of the federal government. Every time you see a BLM riot/looting, every time the federal government forces your state government to do something, you can thank the Republicuck party for that.
Republicucks who talk about supporting the 10th Amendment should be exterminated.
European descended white people have gone from exploring the oceans and walking on the moon to looking at cell phones while wearing a muzzle.
Woman logic:
- If a woman wants to murder her unborn child it’s “her body, her choice.”
- When you don’t want to wear a muzzle and a woman wants you to wear a muzzle it’s “your body, her choice.” Muzzle on or you’re gone.
The Great One was wrong about something. Mark your calendars. It doesn’t happen very often.
In the previous episode I told you that the company I work for is dead thanks to the over-reaction to Wuhan. In this episode I elaborate on that a bit more.
Then I tell you about other businesses here in the Wuhan Republic of Fort Kollins that have been destroyed by the Wuhan panic supported by womynz and boomerz who are terrified of dying. Yet oddly not at all concerned about being invaded by foreigners.
Business dying, people loosing jobs, more money being funnelled to Amazon.
Wells Fargo closing branch in Greeality.
Satin Camisole – 30 years in business.
White Balcony – 16 years in business.
24 Hour Fitness – 2 years-ish. 83K/month rent, owes 140K back rent.
C.B. and Potts – 4 out of 5 locations closed, 5th location sold. In business since 1974.
Womynz business owners back shutting down the economy yet expect you to shop local instead of ordering things from Amazon. This is why womynz shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
The failures of these businesses are not capitalism. These businesses survived just fine until the State forced them to shut down. That is not capitalism, that is statism.
“Even if it saves one life it’s worth it.” Wrong. Dead wrong. See what I did?
Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To Canada.
Stalk The Great One. Send The Great One hate messages and death threats. Tell The Great One how right he is and feed his ego. Send The Great One nude photos of you if you are a cute girl.
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Stating The Obvious 0656 – (((Jew))) Week Episode II: Women Are Going To Vote You Right Into Your Grave. — No Comments
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