Yes All Women Are Like That 0033 – First World White Girl Problems: Every Woman Who Has A Problem This Episode Mentions Her Job. None Of Them Mention Losing Weight. Why Can’t They Find Good Men? I’m Baffled.
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Today’s episode is brought to you by Eric. Everyone say “Thank you Eric.”
Apparently it’s Retards Write In Month at Ask E. Jean.
Every white girl with problems mentions her job, most talking about how great their job is. Not one of these women mentions staying in shape, losing weight, being nice, or smiling.
In this episode of first world white girl problems:
- She thinks her “current” fiance (as opposed to her ex-fiance) might have had sex with a hooker. She has no evidence. She just feels.
- Her lawyer job pays her less than the men she works with yet she “completes more complex tasks” than the men she works with.
- She is worried her boyfriend and friends will be alienated if she buys her own apartment. Proof that women can make a problem out of anything.
- She is a 30 year old teacher who is unhappy and wants a career involving her passion.
- She can’t find a man. Her requirements seem pretty low. He must be atheist, feminist, not want children, IQ over 140, fit, and into “non-vanilla sex”. Plus she has a “job that is stimulating.” I can’t figure out why she can’t find a man. Can you?
- Her ex-boyfriend (who is T-rash) is fucking other women and it’s driving her insane. She needs external validation from her friends to compensate.
- She hates her job, saved up money, and put in two weeks notice. That part is good. Mistake? She didn’t bother to look for a new job before quitting the one she has now.
Call it “satire” if that helps you sleep at night. We all know that Men > Women. It’s a biological fact.
Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north and too poor to get there ’cause they have liberal arts degrees. Commies To Canada.
Stalk The Great One. Send The Great One hate messages and death threats. Tell The Great One how right he is and feed his ego. Send The Great One nude photos of you if you are a cute girl.
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Who is the ruskyyslag larping as the pretend-AnCap? Would like to harvest screencaps for my Time Capsule.
I have no idea. Random interwebz chyck.
Found her. Julia Tourianski.
Yes. Googled her. Now I remember.
She is the poster child for the fact that yes, all women are like that. No matter how much noise they make about being traditional, conservative, libertarian, anarcho-capitalist or any thing else all women (yes all of them) will become totalitarians seeking alpha fucks and beta bucks when the chips are down.
Team Vagina all the way.