
Linkage: 18 February, 2020 – People’s Republic of Fort Collins Photo Essay. #CLSology — 10 Comments

  1. What else would anyone expect from the tribe? They yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin. Joe would approve!!!

    • Oh don’t they. I’ve got something related to yearning for communism coming up and it’s gonna be good. If I ever get off my ass and cover it on the podcast.

      Now that I’ve mentioned it I’ll have to short-list it.

  2. How is asking for help Autistic? I know plenty of people that ask for help with things they can figure out themselves. Its just a way to patholigize normal behavior. You see it at work when a new hire asks for for training and doesnt recieve it then is punished for asking for help. For some reason modern peoples have an aversion to asking and answering direct questions.

  3. Do you have a local newspaper ? Does it get frequent, batshit leftist letters to the editor from a John Young ? If so, that’s the former opinion writer here who escaped, was fired, run out of town on a rail ten or more years ago. Sounds like he ought to fit right in there.

    • There is a local newspaper but I don’t pay much attention to it.

      Fort Collins is a perfect home for batshit leftists. It’s mostly white people so they can complain about the lack of diversity while not having to live with all the disadvantages of diversity.

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