
Stating The Obvious 0601 – Who Would You Hire? Matthew or Dr. Carly? — 6 Comments

  1. >Who Would You Hire? Matthew or Dr. Carly?

    Neither….maybe he could say something if he took his freaking hands away from his mouth, but I digress…. I figure the soy is strong with this one and the other is just your typical virtue signaler.

    • Hi Dave. I didn’t know about the hands around his mouth thing as I was editing photos while listening to the video. Thus I didn’t watch it except when Matthew was talking so I could time how much input he got in a video about a college program which is suppose to benefit him. I’ll have to check this out and get back to you.

  2. I would not poking Dr. Carly. She would certainly be good as sex toy. And besides, when most libtard women open their mouth, it should only be for one thing.

    • Exactly. She should be opening her mouth to say “I’ve finished washing the dishes, your laundry is done, and I’ve feed the cats. Is there anything else you need me to do before I put on my Supergirl outfit and get down on my knees?”

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