Slacking and Chaos
Hello Friends and Enemies. I’m close. So very close to having the chaos under control and getting back to something of a regular schedule. That’s why I’m taking the rest of the week off from the site.
I know what you’re saying. “Great One, you’ve take two fucking months off from the site you lazy sack of shit.”
I can’t argue with that.
Right now the office/studio is still a disaster of disorganization. The way my brain works is that I need order to be creative. Once I have structure in my surroundings – which means I know what I have and where it’s at – my brain is freed up to do what I do best. At work that means designing lighting rigs – work is a disaster of disorder right now as well. On my time that means getting rejected by hot college girls. And on our time that means screaming at the internet and attempting to explain the two things that appear to be the most difficult for commoners to understand.
1. Boys & girls are different.
2. Who will build the fucking roads without your fucking government.
It’s an up hill battle.
- Be a hero like Supergirl and pay for your own birth control.
- I like my girls fast and my technology slow.
- Supergirl may not be Hubspotty but she is super!!!!!
- The Girl Of Steel is unimpressed by your attention whoring and Nazi philosophy.
- I think she wants a job.
- Supergirl is cute. But not as cute as Jordyn.
- Supergirl is certain she is a girl.
- Supergirl is not impressed with your CGI aliens.
- Supergirl may or may not be judging you.
- This is how adjunct teachers see themselves. The power of delusion.
- Supergirl doesn’t need x-ray vision to see through your bullshit.
- Looks like Wonder Woman is Supergirlphobic.
- Almost super. Get the metal out of your stomach.
- Gentoo is like Supergirl. Cute, powerful and complicated.
- Yes. Yes she is.
- Hey Batman. My eyes are up here.
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