College Kid ‘Cast 0011 – Diversity, Inclusion and Other Words Parasite Use To Justify Their Jobs.
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Working my ass off.
Show notes must suffer.
But don’t worry, this episode will be offensive.
Plus here is some bonus material not covered in the podcast. I attempted to find out who wrote this list of words I’m not suppose to use. I couldn’t find out exactly who wrote it, but here are some of the things I found while searching.
The Office of the Vice President for Diversity is committed to promoting a campus environment which recognizes, values, and affirms diversity at Colorado State University. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on our continuing efforts to promote inclusive excellence.
Bailey is a 5. The rest are exactly what you expect.
The Commission on Diversity and Inclusion. Exactly what you are expecting.
And what do these parasites do with their time and our tax money?
April 24, 2019 PCDI Meeting Summary
Employee Climate Survey Presentation
Responses from survey participants who self-identified as Transgender/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming were less favorable overall than all other groups
Women had less favorable perceptions on all factors except their overall CSU perceptions and sense of belonging compared to men
In other words people who are not white men whine more about their jobs. Who knew? Wanna read all about it?
And then they do this with their time and our money and other people’s children.
Disaggregating Data, Leslie Taylor
PCDI voted to approve the following recommendations:
Immediately request that the existing gender question be updated to:
Your Legal Gender Marker (sex) (required): Male | Female | X or Other
Legal Gender Marker refers to your sex as it appears on official documents such as your birth certificate, passport etc. It is sometimes referred to as sex assigned at birth, although it may be legally changed. CSU is required to provide a legal gender marker for all students in order to remain compliant with State and Federal reporting guidelines, particularly Selective Service. If you opt to not respond, a gender will be assigned for you in those reports, though not on your CSU student record.
Over the next year, incorporate three new Identity questions in RAMWeb and in the application for admissions.
Your Identity and Pronouns (optional)
The following questions give you an opportunity to share important aspects of your identity.
Responses to these questions also allow us to better meet the needs of all our students. Your answers are protected under FERPA and access to this data will be restricted. It will be used to report in only aggregate, not at the individual level, to help us make informed, data-driven decisions about campus support and resources. If you become a CSU student, you will have the option to change your responses at any time in the RAMweb student portal (
Gender Identity (Optional)
Gender identity is one’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One’s gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth and/or legal gender marker. Please select all that apply.
_ Agender
_ Gender Queer/Fluid/Non-Binary/Non-Conforming
_ Man
_ Trans/Transgender
_ Two-Spirit
_ Prefer not to disclose
_ Not listed above, please specify _____________
Sexual Orientation (Optional)
Sexual orientation is the inclination, capacity or lack of to develop intimate emotional and sexual relationships with people.
_ Asexual
_ Bisexual
_ Gay
_ Heterosexual/Straight
_ Lesbian
_ Pansexual
_ Queer
_ Same-gender loving
_ Two-Spirit
_ Prefer not to disclose
_ Not listed above, please specify _____________
If you identify within the LGBTQ+ Community, the Pride Resource Center will reach out to you about programs and resources. You will have an opportunity to opt out of continued communication.
Pronouns (Optional)
Often, people make assumptions about the gender of another person based on the person’s appearance or name. These assumptions are not always correct, and making assumptions about someone may cause harm. We are asking your pronouns so that we are able to honor you and your identities. Just like we honor you by calling you by your name, we would like to also use accurate pronouns. Pronouns are words that refer to either the people talking (I or you), or someone or something that is being talked about (she, them, he). Gender pronouns (he/she/ze etc.) specifically refer to people that you are talking about.
_ Ask individual
_ He/Him/His
_ She/Her/Hers
_ They/Them/Theirs
_ Per/Per/Pers
_ Ze/Hir/Hirs
_ Name only
_ Prefer not to disclose
_ Not listed above, please specify _____________
Student identified pronouns will be available to campus faculty and administrative staff (advisors, administrative and student support staff, etc.). If you choose not to answer or select “Prefer not to disclose”, your pronouns will be listed as “Data Not Available”.
Source material for this episode:
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