
Anarchy Moment 0238 – Friday The 13th Episode: You Want Weyland-Yutani Stories? You Got Weyland-Yutani Stories. — 1 Comment

  1. OT:

    Hi there!
    Thanks for all your work, first of all.
    I just wanted to share with you something I think is really important:

    This is a Subcommittee Hearing from the House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans called “Meeting the Challenge of White Nationalist Terrorism at Home and Abroad”.

    It has a lot of troubling parts including:
    They are asking for laws to force tech companies to ban “hate speech”, which is now defined as anything globalists and leftist organizations like the ADL don’t like (and if you want proof that ADL is a dangerous leftist organization, watch this: ).

    Other troubling ideas these people have is that they want to use US military against European nationalists, and they want “White” nationalism (which they never define in the hearing as something else that someone who is aware that Europeans are indeed being demographically replaced via third world migration, which they admit is a FACT during the hearing at the 1:16:20 mark) to be considered terrorism, and classify anyone who doesn’t even join any group as a “White” nationalist if they ever agree with ideas like uncontrolled illegal migration being a threat to the health of Western Countries.

    It is a really insane video, I suggest you watch it and talk about it, because the leftists in the US government are going insane.

    Thanks for reading, have a great day!

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