
Stating The Obvious 0581 – Book Discussion: The Millennial’s Guide to Changing The World – Episode IV: Millennials Are Modern Day Renaissance Men And Women And Transfolk. — 4 Comments

  1. This whore’s mugshot looks older than my mom, and my mom is almost 54.

    Never expected anything less, and this is a woman that wrote a book on Millenial’s guide to changing the world.. aka Millenial’s guide into poverty.

    Keep it coming, fucktards!

  2. Dude

    I just wanted to say that you are a massive irredeemable faggot.

    It was reassuring to sit here listening to your podcast on my Apple Mac, while smoking a joint, to know that while I was recovering from a 9 hour life-saving neurosurgery, at least I hadn’t forgotten to get some tablets for my fucking hayfever, or might have to move house in 3 months time for the first time in 15 years.

    Honestly I don’t know how you coped. I know they don’t give out Purple Hearts like candy, but I’m putting you forward for one.



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