Repeat: Stating The Obvious 0197 – Why Statism? Part 3 of 4
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Happy Friday bitches and bitchettes.
Here in the People’s Republic Global Warming brought us snow and ice. I capitalize Global Warming because it occurred to me that Global Warming is the shitlibs equivalent of Satan.
Still working my ass of. Yoga Pants Girl and I are gonna spend all day focusing the programing lights. And dealing with a slew of problems that go with running an event.
And while I drive to site today I may or may not record a ranty Anarchy Moment.
Until then…
In this series of podcasts I explain “Why Statism”. And why Anarcho-capitalism will fail. Also getting in a long over-due response to one of my YouTube listeners because his question and observations fit in perfectly with this topic.
Show Notes for “Why Statism?”
There are two species. Homo sapiens statist and homo sapiens anarchist. As I’ve said before, anarchist are born, not made. You come out of the womb capable and unafraid or you come out a slave. The one can never become the either. As I’ve said how many thousand times, the statist is Aristotle’s natural slave. They exist and they outnumber us.
Why do the slaves choose Statism?
1. They can’t provide for themselves.
2. They live in fear.
3. They value comfort and convenience more than freedom. Not just your freedom but their own freedom as well. Look at how happy they are to have the corporations know everything about then in return for easier shopping on Amazon. Yet they also hate capitalism. And corporations.
4. They can not provide their own direction, motivation or ethics. Religious people need Gods to tell them right from wrong and give them purpose. Statist people need governments to tell them right from wrong and give them purpose.
5. Natural selection and evolution would remove them from the gene pool. And they know it. The State circumvents natural selection and keeps the inferior alive. This is because the State can only survive with a multitude of inferior people. Superior people do not need that state.
6. They desire “things” and “stuff” without having to earn “things” and “stuff”.
This is not an exhaustive list. There are other contributing factors as well. In this podcast I’m going to take an in-depth look at the first two factors. I’ll talk about the others in more depth later.
Statists will never reject statism because they need the State to provide for them. Even after 12 years of public school and four or more years of college they can’t get a job without government assistance and minimum wages. Public schools server the same purpose as welfare. They perpetuate poverty. They don’t prevent it.
Statists can not provide for themselves:
1. They can not create value for others – thus can not make money.
2. They can not negotiate for what they want – thus the need for laws to force others to do as they wish.
3. Since they can’t create value they need minimum wages and affirmative action.
4. Since they can not negotiate with others they need laws the prohibit smoking or hate speech or tall grass/weeds in a yard.
5. They are not smart enough to provide for themselves. Statist are the only animals that need to be told what to eat. All other animals can figure out what is and isn’t food.
Statists openly declare they can not get a job, negotiate a wage, buy insurance, open a door, provide their own birth control, or protect themselves and their loved ones.
This is why the Life of Julia appeals to these people. They know they are incompetent and thus want cradle to grave supervision from the State.
This is why femistatists regard the government as their husband and the corporation they work for as their boyfriend. They aren’t capable of keeping an actual man happy because a man has standards. Femistatists don’t have standards and neither does the government or corporation.
Statists exists in a state of perpetual fear:
Here is a comment from a regular listener on the Tube of You:
“Slaves that are afraid are slaves that are easier to control.” [note: this is the commenter quoting what I said in the podcast]
I disagree. Take a casual observation of animals in the wild, vs animals that have been domesticated. Wild animals are afraid of everything, while domesticated animals have had the natural instinct of fear bred out of them. Which is easier to control, a deer or a dog?
Now let’s observe people. Take our own society for an example. There are groups of people that government certainly has a hard time trying to control, and those people often demonstrate fear of everyone else by isolation and hostility. These people are often considered outcasts and outlaws by society at large, and are almost always strong advocates for freedom. Think outlaw motorcycle clubs, for example.
Now take your average voting tax paying law abiding sheeple citizen that runs on autopilot (thinking included), and never questions authority. These people are very often oblivious to the dangers around them, and almost always completely oblivious to the harm that their own actions cause through voting and paying taxes and obeying law and authority. Because they are so blind, they are also very un fearful, and possibly even hostile toward those that express a desire for more freedom!.
If you look at the history of slaves in this country, you can see clear examples of this in action. It would often happen when one slave would escape, and the rest of the slaves would resent the escaped slave for escaping! This is the very same kind of reaction I get when I tell people I don’t pay taxes on my income. Taxes are NOT freedom, and I sincerely want EVERYONE to keep 100% of what they earn because it means more freedom, for everyone. So I tell them, “I want you to be free!”, and they get angry that I am not choosing to be like them. I get all the boring stupid questions and responses from…”Who would pave the roads?”, to “You’re not paying your fair share!”, and let’s not forget, “If you don’t like it here you can always leave!”. Those are not reactions born out of fear, but out of domesticated medicated brainwashing and public indoctrination! So who do you think is easier to control, sheeple or outlaws??
The video this comment was left in response to:
I can’t disagree with any of this. He isn’t wrong. What’s happening is that he and I are using “fear” in different ways.
When I say the statist sheeple are “afraid” what exactly do I mean.
There are at least 2 kinds of fear.
I will call them persistent fear and immediate fear.
Immediate fear is the fear an animal has when being hunted or confronted with something unknown.
Persistent fear is the fear an animal has which is always in the background of it’s mind.
When you approach a wild animal it has immediate fear of you and retreats. While a wild animal is always in a state of awareness about it’s surroundings I don’t think this is fear.
A statist exists in a state of persistent fear. This is obvious from their words. Listen to what they say. “Who will build the roads?” “Who will educate the children?” “Who will force business to hire people based on skin colour?” “Who will pay me to be a single mother?” “Who will provide my retirement money?”
They are afraid someone else will take their jobs. Thus unions, the extended education system that puts people in debt for thousands and thousands of dollars, the regulations, the minimum wage.
All these things arise from the fear a statist has that these things will not be done. And statists are afraid these things will not be done because they are incompetent and thus assume everyone else is incompetent.
The statist knows he can not do any of these things. Because he can not do them he assumes others can not do them. Incompetent people always expect others to be incompetent just as competent people expect others to be competent. Thus the statist worldview is that no person can provide roads or education or welfare.
They are always afraid these things will not be provided. Talk to one of them. They are terrified 24 hours a day that the things they want (welfare, roads, laws against smoking, war, medical care) will not be provided. Thus they are statists. They want the power of the State to force other people to provide the things they desire.
Further more their conformity is driven by fear. There is nothing a statist fears more than being different that the other people around them. Statists will kiss any ass, support any law, put any Japanese person in a concentration camp, believe anything from “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” to “Obamacare will reduce the cost of healthcare”. And they will believe this because they are fucking terrified of being different from the inhabitants of the echo chamber around them.
Are you familiar with what I call the Three Lines Experiment?
And terrified of thinking for themselves. They want to obey. They want to be told what to do. Especially the females. That’s why they will electrocute puppies 100% of the time they are told to do so.
More fear driven behaviour:
Some men asked a 10 year old girl where the nearest gas station is. They must be child molesters.
Fear of crime. Fear of dying. Fear of unemployment. Unless the sheeple live in fear that they may be left wanting for something one day statism can not survive.
People want the world to end. Meteors. Y2K. Global Warming. 2012. So forth. Yet ignore the fall of the empire.
Statists are terrified of . . . everything.
How do they view people who are not terrified of everything? Let’s look at a Facebook comment left by a former friend of mine. I ceased considering him a friend when he posted this shit.
In my experience, Libertarianism (hardcore Libertarianism at least) is a young man’s philosophy. It’s very “I can do it all myself, I don’t need anyone’s help and nobody has ever helped me anyway! Just get out of my way; you’re cramping my style, and who asked you anyway?” So when I see 20-year-old Libertarians, I smile and nod and think, “The world has been kind to you, that you can afford to hold such a self-indulgent fantasy. Enjoy that naivety while you can; you are blessed.”
But the world is a tough place, and eventually most folks grow out of it. They begin to understand that no man is an island. Society is vital and the government frequently does good, important things — things that the free market just can’t (or won’t) do. And you start to realize that you actually enjoy living in the (real) 21st century rather than the (fetishized) 19th.
So when I see 40-year-old Libertarians, I think, “You have either lived a very sheltered life, of you are remarkably unobservant of the world around you. Libertarianism is a kid’s game, and you ain’t a kid.”
This comes from a person who goes to comic conventions and takes photos of girls in costumes. Can you say “fetish” anyone? His wife is short, dumpy and fat.
This piece of shit asserts:
People grow out of thinking it’s wrong to kill others for personal gain.
The market doesn’t work. Did Obama shit out your cell phone or did the market provide that?
Libertarians are sheltered. Who is more sheltered? Someone who works for a living or someone on welfare? Someone who makes philosophy podcasts or someone who goes to comic conventions?
Strawmen that appear in this faggot’s post:
Ancaps think that men are islands.
Ancaps think they can do everything themselves.
Ancaps are naïve. Says a person who thinks Obamacare will reduce the cost of healthcare.
Ancaps don’t live in the modern world. I’m pretty sure it’s statists who cling to the past.
Ancaps are unobservant of the world around them.
Ancaps want people to live in a fetishized 19th century. Interesting this person goes to comic book conventions and take photos of girls in cosplay outfits. Also note when talking to a statist how much they fetishize “indigenous people” and their life without modern technology. Statists want technology for themselves but go to great lengths to keep it away from starving people in Africa.
This is the same piece of shit who didn’t know what to do when role playing Exalted.
Are statist really statist or are they simply . . . afraid?
Caller: “We are surrounded by statists”
Stefan Molyneux: “No. We are surrounded by people afraid of being uncomfortable. It’s up to us to make them uncomfortable instead of letting them make us uncomfortable.”
Questions Stefan raises:
Should you leave the U.S. if you don’t like it?
Should you be a coward and run away or stand up for what you think is right?
Should you have to leave your friends if you don’t like the state?
How can one escape the State when the State is everywhere on Earth? The analogy to a wife leaving her husband but she must have another husband.
Fear in statists and an-caps:
Statist fear other people and need the state to protect them from everyone else and their own bad decisions.
Anarcho-capitalist fear statists because statist want to kill us.
Can statists be . . . converted? Fixed? Persuaded? Educated?
Sharks can not live on land. It’s outside of their physical parameters. It’s not even a value judgement, it’s a biological fact. Statists can not survive without the State. It’s not a value judgement, it’s a biological fact. They don’t know how to cook, or what to eat, or how to make money, or negotiate.
As I’ve said – an-caps are born that way, statists are born that way.
Larkin Rose and Josie The Outlaw.
Larkin believes anarcho-capitalism needs a “better messenger” to get the word out. I don’t believe that titties are going to make a difference. It’s like putting forth the thesis that if only sharks are brought out of the ocean by cute girls then they will be able to live on land. I like cute girls as much as anyone but this isn’t going to convince anyone. Just read the comments on her channel.
You can give sharks a boob job and hook them up with fake titties paid for by Obamacare and they still can’t live on land. Sharks can’t live on land. Statists can’t live without the state.
Larkin, I respect you and your wisdom but let me make a suggestion to you. We an-caps don’t want the fat kids on our team. They will only cost us the championship. In the long run there is only one solution. We an-caps must be in a place apart from the statists. We must find a way to remove ourselves from the reach of the parasites.
Facts of the world:
No statist has ever arrived at statism by thinking about it. There is no way to arrive at “other people should be forced to provide things for me that I’m to incompetent to provide for myself” by using logic. You can only get here by denying evolution and natural selection.
An-caps arrive at anarcho-capitalism just as the enlightened arrive at enlightenment. By thinking, reasoning, living by first principles, executing, achieving, and doing.
Statists passively accept. They have never reasoned out their devotion to statism. They hold to statism specifically because they do not reason. They only believe.
“It’s easier to believe than to think.” — The Great One, Himself
“Conformity in the present makes you invisible to the future.” – Stefan Molyneux.
Reacting is not reasoning. To say ancaps are immature doesn’t validate statism. It’s simply a reaction. Every argument against anarcho-capitalism is a reaction from privilaged people. No argument against anarcho-capitalism begins with a first principle and builds from there. This is likewise the biggest flaw of Satanism. It was created as a reaction to Christianity instead of being build from a solid foundation.
“When you study history it’s like watching the same movie over and over with different costumes.” — Stefan Molyneux
Comments left on the Josie The Outlaw video Who Owns You?
How smart are statists? How smart are the people Larkin Rose thinks can be educated about anarcho-capitalism. Let’s look at their own words and see how smart they are.
Petter R
Of course you own yourself. We are part of a society with a leader to help everybody. Sure, we could all live in the woods hunting, fishing and making our own shelters without paying taxes but in the current society we live in we all help eachother out. Every society needs a leader, and taxes are not taken from you, taxes goes back into society in shape of roads, healthcare etc. You are not “owned” by the government, since you can leave the country and go
mortamer snerd
Taxes pay for streets we drive on, schools for our children, and other “things” we use and need, so there is a flaw in Josie Outlaw theory.
Im still in love with her though.
As an anarcho-capitalist, itself a contradiction in terms, Josie can’t honestly believe any of this herself, because as a capitalist, she believes that people with less money than she has will need to come to work for her for a better life. She has no problem with the notion of people coming to work for her for a pittance, so that she may profit hugely from the work of the masses.
She mentions paying taxes, voting, and other things. She never says “do you go to work for a capitalist?” Since she doesn’t see capitalism as a problem.
Emma Goldman once said” “Ask for work. If they do not give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you bread, take bread.” In the world of Josie the Outlaw, police would be abolished (nothing wrong with abolishing police, I agree), but private security-for-hire would be available to capitalist business that would operate free from centralised government restrictions, and gun-nut Josie would be free to shoot somebody for trying to take a loaf of bread.
She talks about state authority. She never complains about “private enterprise authority” over the worker in her spiel. She whines about paying taxes. She’s obviously a laissez-faire capitalist. She can’t stop talking about “political parasites”, but fails to mention “economic parasites”.
Josie has some good points about individual liberties in her videos, but her old Republican ways come shining through on a regular basis.
But If I transfer ownership of myself, even voluntarily, to a boss, does my boss not, in part, own me?
And healthcare, roads, schools, police, social insurance, lights on the street at night etc etc are for free. It’s called civilization.
Let’s stop paying taxes, stop abiding law, spread anarchy and chaos, kill each other over a slice of pork and go without consequence.
let’s get back to the stone age, things were better then.
Do you even believe what are you talking about
I honestly haven’t heard such bullshit for a long time.
Governments and political systems aren’t perfect but it’s the best we have at the moment.
To live in any form of civilization is to be ruled. While you may not sign any official contract saying so, continuing to exist in that civilization suggests that you are willing to grudgingly accept those terms, no matter how much it may pain you to do so.
Hedgehog’s Right of Passage
If you have free choice why are you using it to wear “proper, presentable” clothes and (yuk) makeup? You are bowing to the World Order which demands a presentable person on video if you want to persuade others and that is certainly and foremost your program, right? A control freak. The smartcontrol freaks know that its just as easy and more rewarding to have control over many than rather ,lets say, a spouse.
NEWS for you. No human owns his body or can control his destiny. Its wise to keep your body healthy and use wise ways to do so, its good to plan out your near future but in general terms. Why not go along for the ride? Story: a man was seen running through the market-place. A wise person asked him “Why are you running” “I am running after MY livlihood” “Well, maybe your livelihood is running after you”. You have zero control of your health. Try to eat healthy, excersize but in the end you can’t carry water in the palm of your hand. Can you decide you fate just for today? Make a plan but don’t be suprised if you are presented with the sun when you just wanted to catch the moon. Maybe you have simple goals for today. You will start by driving the car you don’t own on a road you don’t own …you have zero control. We have nothing, its there on loan and can easily be taken away in one moment. A fire. There goes your hairbrush, your house, car, your love letters, your partner or child.
You can now be happy for anything you recieve. You can now even be happy when it all goes up in smoke and you lose it all in 1 moment.
Peter Getinhard
she doesn’t understand that our representatives were elected because we did not run for office, but we could have run if we wanted to. Our Reps know best and I happen to like paying a few bucks to have a millions services available to me.
This dpeech is what seperates you, the anarchist, and me, the llibertarian.
You reject the government, and the very idea of government.
I reject the current government, but I support the idea of small transparent government.
A constitutional government.
Nano Nymous
This is all very nice rhetoric, but you don’t have anything meaningful to say. I mean I do agree with the sentiment, I’d be an anarchist if I thought for a second there was a chance that we’d ever live in an anarchist society, but maybe someday. But even then, regulations and legislation still need to exist, just chosen by the people. If that were the case, and this, my perfect society existed, you could argue using the same manipulative rhetoric that you don’t own yourself, since others own you. I’d love for activists and ‘free-thinkers’ to use less poisonous rhetoric, and actually be critical of themselves and others.
Everyone of these commenters is driven by fear. We an-caps don’t want these people on our team. They need to be extinct the way evolution intends them to be. An animal that can not feed itself dies. Welcome to nature. It’s the new Green Revolution.
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Repeat: Stating The Obvious 0197 – Why Statism? Part 3 of 4 — No Comments
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