
Stating The Obvious 0528 – School Shootings. Listener Comments and Questions. Getting Useful Information at The Hardware Store. — 6 Comments

  1. Hi GO,

    >Are tattoos not the epitome of the physiological screen-saver (with password protection enabled to get to the data just behind?)

    Given tatts are a reliable slut-tell I’d argue that PB’s statement is only accurate if the password is written on a yellow post-it note stuck to her forehead.

    And……. in relation to you saying no woman meets your standards, I’m reminded of a previous podcast from many months ago where you’re discussing your disappointment with the hotel room you were staying in and upon going downstairs to the restaurant to grab a bite to eat, you became so worked-up over a particular waitress you wanted to spend the rest of your life making babies with her.

    To your later amusement she spilled a jar of cherries on the floor if my memory serves me correctly.

    Dammed if I could find that podcast again….. but I remember it due to your self-professed level to which you were smitten with her.

    • That was Jordyn. The lovely and adorable Jordyn. Who said “give me your phone number and I’ll text you.” And we all know how that works out.

      Physically she hit my standards. But fails in the integrity category as illustrated by the lack of texting me.

      Your memory is correct all around. I was smitten and she did spill the cherries. To bad she didn’t spill her cherry on me. Bam!

  2. Thx for clearing that up. Really shows the thoroughness of public “education” that we automatically associate nation with government.

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