Linkage: 20 March, 2018 #TheTriggering
In the podcast The Great One accused Stefan Molynieux and Owen Benjamin of being white knighting retards. My own reactions were based on what he told me about the video. I trusted The Great One that he was giving me an accurate picture.
If anything he understated the amount of white knighting that goes on in that video.
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Hey guys, just a question: when you go down to the pub to pick up some chicks are you contemplating the level of intellectual, spiritual and emotional fascination that awaits you over a couple of glasses of Chateau Pigskin? Or are you going to be checking out the tits and arse that is on display? Just wondering.
Intellectual, spiritual and emotional fascination? Emotional?? Is Stefan actually a chick? This is a serious question because these things are what women look for. Not men. Women are interested in emotions and feelings and spirituality. Men are interested in intellectual stuff, it is true, but we look for that in the company of other men.
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But here’s the thing – Stefan talks almost exclusively on the modern culture wars.
But the modern culture wars are predicated on the underlying upheaval of the male-female dynamic in Western society.
Which means that to commentate faithfully on the culture wars you must have already swallowed the red pill on women.
It is just not possible to be a reliable commentator on this subject if you are blue pilled. The red pill as regards to women is the basis for everything. If you have that wrong then everything else that you say is potentially clouded. Australian conservative journalist Andrew Bolt is another great example of this on which I have written before. Any hint of “disrespecting women” on the part of anyone on his own side and Bolt is atop his trusty stead to gallop off into battle on behalf of the oppressed wymens everywhere. The day before the US election and he was still calling for Trump’s head based on the pussy joke situation.
Stefan Molynieux is now firmly in the same box. He is simply untrustworthy as a fighter on our side in the culture wars.
The Other McCain get linked to often on the sites I read and thus I’ve been exposed to his material here and there for years. I’ve never been impressed. I’m far less impressed now. I ripped on his ass for his “she isn’t magazine cover beautiful” comment in which McCain displayed his ignorance of Photoshop. And now we can see that McCain has an ignorance of modern dating.
The Great One would like to point out that most (not all, but most) of you out there who haven’t dated girls in the last 5 years – or at least attempted to date girls – should shut the fuck up about dating girls.
Apart from the fact that on-campus feminists have largely banned frat parties, this is not how the young peoples hook up anymore. McCain is describing something that is so out of date he may has well written about how modern dating works based on an entire viewing of Little House on the Prairie.
McCain’s piece is about having the attitude and in this he is entirely correct. The problem is that his advice is more or less completely outdated.
As an older man if you cannot decipher what is going on in the attached image then you really have no business advising the young-ins on how to play the modern dating game. It is a completely different world out there from even 10 years ago.

Does she know this also means dismantling the system that creates electricity, indoor plumbing and her fucking iPhone?
Up until, or on the day, a predictable calamity unfolds in South Africa, you still find Western Media insisting that,
* No, there’s no racial component to the butchering of thousands of white rural folks in ways that would make Shaka Zulu proud.
* No, the mutilated, tortured, white bodies of Boer and British men, women and children aren’t evidence of racial hatred, but a mere artifact of good old indigenous crime. No hate crimes. No crimes against humanity. Move along. Let the carnage play on.And the latest:
To listen to leftist, counterfactual, ahistoric pabulum served up by most in media, a decision in South Africa’s Parliament to smooth the way for an expropriation without compensation of private property came out of . . . nowhere.
It just so happened—pure fluke!—that the permanently entrenched, racialist parties in parliament used their thumping majorities to vote for legalizing state theft from a politically powerless minority. Didn’t see that coming!
A Broadway play that depicts the rise and fall of 16th century heroine Joan of Arc has decided to throw historical accuracy out the window by casting a black actress to play the french woman’s character.
Since “cultural appropriation” is apparently no longer a problem, the Internet begun to brainstorm on which other historic characters need a rebranding – specifically, black historical characters.
As we follow Rome into obscurity, people find they have little of actual importance in their lives. Almost everything we do is for the sake of appearance, and even our jobs are no longer necessary except to keep the illusion of an economy rolling. Underneath it all, we know somewhere in our gut that no matter how much we are told that our technology is great, things are not going well, structurally.
Every now and then this discontent peeks out from beneath the surface, as in the recent anarchic rioting in Philadelphia that converted much of the city into a raging no-fly zone:
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Despite the city being only 35% white, and many of those having Irish or Italian extraction, Philadelphia has still collapsed into chaos about, of all things, a sports game. Like the football hooligans of Europe, these citizens seem to have channeled all of their frustration with life into a chance to “act out” and leave ruins behind them.
In a broader sense, we are seeing a method of control backfire. Unhealthy societies focus more on keeping everyone together than on achieving any goals. As a result, they tend to spend a lot of time thinking about luxuries, parties, sports, and shopping. What else are they going to think about? Certainly no one wants to discuss the future because they believe it to be doomed.
This arrangement benefits everyone because each person is focused on controlling all the others. Even more, every person hopes to benefit from the situation at the expense of others. As Cicero said, “If the people are given the power to vote themselves bread and circuses, then they will.” Someone else pays for that bread and those circuses, of course.
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Their leaders, who are only too happy to get those votes for bread and circuses, have unintentionally created a crisis.
By reducing life to the minimum and appealing to individual self-interest, our civilization has removed anything of meaning from the lives of its citizens, so they have combined religion, politics, and social concerns into a single form, worship of the football game.
We often forget another quote from Cicero on this very topic, “The evil was not in the bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.”
Best part of the video is when the brown soy boy says the brown girl is racist for being happy that black people are dying but then states “no crime has been committed”. If a white man was happy black people died I bet the brown soy boy wouldn’t utter that same statement.
I wonder if she is a white supremacist Nazi.
Amerika will never be returned to America without Freedom of Association. It won’t happen if we are forced to tolerate one another. We’ll typically bull-ship one another that ¡DIVERSITY! is our strength. This is particularly prevalent when the diversity matrons of the managerial state are walking around listening and taking names.
Yet sometimes the fullsome and scurvy truth oozes out like an oleaginous slick. In one case a young and articulate Latina, a veritable ¡DREAMER!, told us what the dreams were over on her part of the rainbow spectrum.
Here’s the transcript for those who don’t YouTube.
“If you’re black, we cannot be friends. Go fuckin’ die, you ugly-ass black people.” So begins a Snapchat video by a female California high school student. “Black people are trash, they need to die, like, I fuckin’ hate black people, they’re so annoying. So, when the police were killing all those black people, I was so happy, because I’m like, fuck black people…go die, bitches!”
So contrary to the diversity fetishist fairy tale, diversity is a disaster. Put a bunch of different people in a group and they’ll naturally tend to want to genocide or enslave the ones they view as different and therefore inferior. Swirling gives us far more containers of dog-feces ice cream than anything that should be celebrated on Loving Day.
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Linkage: 20 March, 2018 #TheTriggering — No Comments
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