Anarchy Moment 0183 – When Smart People Say Stupid Things Episode I: Can Women Be Red Pilled and What The Hell Does Being Red Pilled Mean?
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When a stupid person says stupid things it normal. When a smart person says stupid things that needs a response.
Thesis: Women can not be red pilled. What ever the fuck “red pilled” means.
There is lots of words flying around without much definition.
What does it mean to be red pilled?
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between:
Knowledge, freedom, adversity and the brutal truth of reality (red pill)
Falsehood, security, happiness and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)
That’s a good starting point. What does Adam Piggott have to say?
But the crucial part of red-pilling yourself is the awareness that there are three aspects of life where the process needs to be implemented.
Your political views.
Your personal life, (women).
Of the three it is the realities of the political world and the society in which we live that the greatest number of men are able to successfully lift the blinkers from their eyes.
This usually occurs when they get their first real job and start to see how much tax they are actually paying. There’s nothing like skin in the game to raise one’s level of awareness. Particularly sensitive men, typically those who work in female dominated fields, have the most difficulty with swallowing the political red pill. Many do not do so at all due to the challenges they would then encounter in the workplace.
Taking the red pill with regards to women is much less common. This is unfortunate as it is arguably the most important of the three in a normal functioning world.
This is due to the fact that a man who has mastered every other aspect of his life will be in constant peril of losing it all if he does not awaken to the realities of the sexual marketplace.
But sometimes the only way to learn is to lose everything, and if that is your personal journey then I am not going to do anything to stand in your way.
The red pill journey as regards to religion is fascinating. When you think about it there are just as many attacks on the Church by the same cultural Marxist factions that fill our heads with lies about politics, relationships, and the family. Their efforts to undermine the Church have been very successful, which I would partly put down to the fact that most men don’t feel like trotting off to Church every Sunday. Any excuse to go fishing is a good excuse, even if it comes from the same side that we despise on all other cultural matters.
Let me make it clear that when I talk about faith on these matters I am referring to faith in our culture, our civilization, and our society, as opposed to a faith in God per se.
And you cannot have faith in our civilization unless you have faith in the Church, because the Church and our civilization are inextricably bound together. You cannot have one without the other.
Got time to take a test? Maybe this will throw some light on things.
How Redpilled Are You?
Are you totally awake to reality or are you a beta cuck who probably voted for Hillary Clinton and drives a Prius?
This test was actually developed by a psychologist (the proper kind, not the ‘gender is a social construct’ kind) to measure the growing movement of conservative cool.
It has been developed and validated using standard academic and statistical procedures.
It only has a few dozen simple questions and should take you up to five minutes.
Full disclosure, I didn’t have the patience to take the test. I might have another shot at it later.
I found this which offers some interesting insights.
In essence, to be “red-pilled” is simply to be able to think for one’s self, to recognise, and to be able to reject the false narratives that we are fed by the progressive-dominated information sources around us.
There are many fundamental elements of the progressive worldview – equality, the “need” for diversity, the LBGTQ agenda, feminism, the goodness of democracy, the inevitability of “progress,” and much more – that are unthinkingly accepted, even by many so-called “conservatives,” who are largely indoctrinated into the progressive mindset while still believing themselves to be “constitutional conservatives” or something similar.
To be red-pilled means to recognise falsehood when one sees it.
A red-pilled individual can discern worldviews and elements within those worldviews. They can look beyond the slogans and the soundbites to recognise what really drives any particular argument or action that the progressives and SJWs might make.
To be red-pilled also means to have the moral courage and fortitude to speak the truth about the progressive agenda when they see it.
Many conservatives will recognise that something is wrong, but will allow themselves to be browbeaten into submission because they’re afraid of being called “racist, sexist, homophobic” and all the rest of the Left’s litany of psychologically-manipulative scare-words. Others desire acceptance by “polite” society more than they do a knowledge and acceptance of the truth. In effect, these conservatives are cowards, and it is their cowardice that often separates then from alt-Righters who are willing to accept the truth and to reject the false narratives of the Left even when they’re smeared by the SJWs and other “progressives.”
. . . . .
In summation, being “red-pilled” simply means this – being willing to speak the truth even when the world system is against you, being willing to “wake up” to a reality through which both sides of the uniparty-driven political spectrum would rather you continue to blissfully doze.
The only way to change the system so as to return it to a traditional, genuinely reality-based one is to continue to encourage as many as possible to take the red pill.
Return of Kings offers this accurate observation.
One problem with swallowing the red pill is that you will get offended at just about everything that mainstream people enjoy. You can no longer digest their media, enjoy their viral videos, or even have a normal conversation with a blue piller.
This describes me pretty accurately. But that might be more of the yellow/black pill than the red pill.
And from the depths of Reddit…
The question is, how do you know when you’ve swallowed the pill?
IMAO if you’ve truly swallowed the red pill, it should be like a gestalt shift/paradigm shift where your entire brain pretty much immediately flips over to the new way of thinking. It may take a few weeks or months to absorb all the TRP material, and maybe even years for it to sink in, but once you truly understand and believe it, BAM, you’ll instantly make the flip.
It’s like looking at this image of a duck and then suddenly seeing the rabbit or vice versa. Once you see the alternate image, you can always flip back and see the original image, but you’ll also understand that there was this hidden image that you didn’t notice before, and you’ll never be able to look at the image in the same way.
Once you’ve seen the TRP side of the gestalt shift, you will instantly question all your previous reactions and points of view.
- Hey, she’s really nice to me, she must like me romantically.
- She spends hours talking to me about her personal life, so she must like me.
- Women say they want nice guys so I’ll be nice to them.
- People say that it’s not polite to get physical on the first date, so I’ll take it slow.
- Committing to one woman for life is the right thing to do, so I’ll get married.
- I like going to the gym but I’d rather have more time for my girlfriend. She says I have enough muscles anyway.
- My girlfriend has gained a lot of weight and I’m no longer attracted to her, so my doctor gave me a prescription for Viagra.
- Everyone says you should just be yourself. Why should I change? I want people to like me for who I am.
- This one woman is special and beautiful, so I’m going to win her over even if it kills me.
- When I argue with my girlfriend, she stops having sex with me, so I avoid arguments.
- When we were in high school, she never gave me the time of day, but now that we’re 30, she is finally interested! I win in the end!
- My girlfriend never gives me blowjobs, but I found out she used to give her other boyfriends blowjobs. I guess she’s found out what she’s comfortable with.
- A good rule of thumb is two months of salary for an diamond engagement ring, so I’m going to splurge and spend 3 months of my salary.
- Hey, she’s really nice to me, but has she fucked me or invested in me in any way? No? Then she’s trying to make me an orbiter. Cut her off, use the time to meet other women and improve myself.
- She spends hours talking to me about her personal life. She needs a therapist and is trying to use me as one. Cut her off, use the time to meet other women and improve myself.
- Women say that want nice guys but I’d rather look at the men they actually fuck to see what they really want.
- People say that it’s not polite to get physical on the first date, but I see nothing wrong with it, and it certainly saves time. If she’s not physically attracted to me, it’s better to find out early and use the extra time to meet other women and improve myself.
- Committing to one woman for life is the right thing to do, but I don’t care what society is pressuring me to do, I’ll do what’s best for me.
- I like going to the gym and no relationship gets in the way of what I want to do with my life. Also, there’s no such thing as having enough muscles.
- My girlfriend has gained a lot of weight and I’m no longer attracted to her, so I gave myself a prescription for a new slim girlfriend.
- Everyone says you should just be yourself, so I’m going to transform myself into the most attractive and charming person possible, then I’ll feel good about being myself and more people will truly like me for who I am.
- This one woman is special and beautiful, but there are 3.5 billion fish in the sea. There could be tens or even hundreds of millions of women more special and beautiful than her.
- When I argue with my girlfriend, she stops having sex with me, so I’m going to leave her. I’d rather masturbate than supplicate.
- When we were in high school, she never gave me the time of day, but now that we’re 30, she is finally interested! I’m going to make her a plate but she’s not relationship material. If the kitten didn’t want me, I don’t want the cat.
- My girlfriend never gives me blowjobs, but I found out she used to give her other boyfriends blowjobs. Looks like I’m beta bucks, time to dump her.
- A good rule of thumb is two months of salary for an diamond engagement ring, but fuck that. Fuck diamonds, fuck weddings, and fuck legal marriage. I’m investing in Berkshire Hathaway stock instead.
Flipping from “before” to “after” should be as sudden as flipping from the duck to the rabbit once you’ve swallowed the pill. You’ll still be able to see the world as your former self, but you’ll never be able to think about the world in the same way again.
NOTE: even after you’ve flipped to the red pill way of seeing things, there’s always more learning to do, but these are more like refinements to a theory rather than switching theories (duck to rabbit) altogether.
The Great One’s suggestions for requirements to be red pilled:
1. You accept responsibility for your outcomes. You create yourself. You have travelled the personal journey.
When you know that men will always bail you out you can’t be red pilled.
When you discover yourself you can’t be red pilled.
When you transition from being a child to an adult because blood comes out from between your legs you can can’t be red pilled.
Obsidian – Men must fail and succeed to create themselves. Women menstruate and find themselves.
2. You possess self-awareness.
When you fuck up you know it. When you are engaging in opinions and name-calling you don’t pretend otherwise. If people are watching your videos because you are a cute girl you don’t pretend otherwise.
If you pretend you don’t have rape fantasies when you do you can’t be red pilled.
Women claim they face adversity in Western Civilization. Yet our entire society is geared towards protecting white women from experiencing the slightest discomfort.
“Girls are smart and funny.” -Eric Cartman
No. They are not.
3. You respect other humans who deserve your respect. You word is your bond.
You don’t lie to people when you are cyberbegging those same people to give you money.
When you lie about being on a boat and the sissy CEO of Patreon produces the footage of you on the boat and owns your ass on the internet you are not respecting the people you are fleecing.
4. You respect yourself.
5. You are rational, empirical, logical and objective. You know you could be wrong and if evidence or reason indicates you are wrong you don’t deny reality.
If you think there is a wage gap you because heterosexual white men with jobs are sexist you can’t be red pilled. There is a wage gap because you don’t see women working on construction sites.
If you think single mothers are strong and independent you can’t be red pilled.
If you think you can have an NDA for a free speech event you can’t be red pilled.
If you tell people attending your free speech event they can’t talk to other people within 100 miles of your free speech event you can’t be red pilled.
If your free speech event has a list of things you can’t talk about you can’t be red pilled.
6. You translate all of this philosophy into action.
That action take many many forms. It could be building a multibillion dollar corporation. It could be going Galt and being a minimalist.
This translation of philosophy to action does not look like attention whoring for money on the internet. Nor does it look like claiming making YouTube videos is a job and cyberbegging.
7. You reject the idea that women have to invade every space created by men.
When women are brought into an environment men change their behaviour. Either by choice or under threat.
Feministbook and Twatter – have to censor because of women. When women show up on they will have to have censorship.
Women enter men’s spaces and tell men what they are doing wrong. I call this femquestioning. We are suppose to shut up and accept this.
If men tell women entering their spaces what the standards are women shit themselves and scream discrimination. This is why the standards for performance always have to go down when women show up.
8. You are a seeker of truth.
This brings us back to the personal journey as well.
Women do not seek truth. They seek comfort and resources.
9. You accept the reality of the sexual marketplace.
10. You are not mentally ill.
11. You fight your own battles and do not rely on external validation.
Offensive Stuff:
Women’s only consistency is their inconsistency.
Alex Jones hiring chycks. Of course it’s about the money.
I don’t want betas in my foxhole.
Women feminize every space they move into. The Red Pill-o-sphere will not be an exception.
And Then . . .
The female dominated Kilroy event. How’d that whole “women are the interior decorators” thing work out for ya?
You made the journey.
Did you learn anything?
Did you spend money via my Amazon affiliate link at If not you must be Trad-Thot-phobic. Spend money so I can by this Supergirl figurine I don’t need or you are afraid of competition from Trad Thots.
Send some commies to Canada. They are too dumb to figure out Canada is to the north. Commies To Canada.
Bitcoin me bitches and bitchettes. It’s the only crypto-currency that can be used to buy anything.
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Anarchy Moment 0183 – When Smart People Say Stupid Things Episode I: Can Women Be Red Pilled and What The Hell Does Being Red Pilled Mean? — No Comments
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