Stating The Obvious 0367 – Millennials verses #TheTrumpening Episode I: America Was Never Great
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I went trail running today for the first time since the election of Donald Trump.
The election of Donald Trump as President of The United States.
Did I mention Donald Trump has been elected (oh democracy) President of The United States.
A heterosexual white man who has a job will be President for the next four years.
Feeling triggered yet?
Anyhowz – I went trail running. First time since The Trumpening occurred. And I saw more beautiful women that day than I’ve seen on a day of trail running in months. I think America is already being Great Again.
Women are responding to The Trumpening on a subconscious level. With a Shitlord in the White House women have to up their game.
This is the first podcast in a three part series. I am cold reading the November 10, 2016 Colorado State University Collegian newspaper. How will the Millennials respond to The Trumpening? Let’s find out.
In this episode:
- I’m drinking the first Martini of the day.
- Hyphenated names are a sign of mental illness.
- “America was never great.” Not even when Bill Clinton and Hussein Obama were President?
- Students feel unsafe. My feelz!
- A dumb cunt who helped create a rape culture in which all men are guilty of rape just for existing is suddenly now concerned about the future of her 17 year old son.
- Millennials have flashlight vigils because they are too stupid to be trusted with real candles and flames. They need training wheels on everything.
- Students have “fear and uncertainty” because white men are racist. It has nothing to do with students being emotionally retarded and unable to manage their own emotional states.
- There are 175 “undocumented students” on CSU campus. How the fuck can you be an “undocumented student”?
- “Creating an environment where all people feel valued and affirmed…” Unless those people are white, heterosexual, have jobs, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, anti-abortion, Republican, conservative, conservative homosexuals, or have any form of disagreement with social justice warriors about anything to any degree. In that case you will be verbally and often physically attacked.
- You racist white people need to be more “sensitive to this feeling of disenfranchisement”.
- Donald Trump said “deplorable” things. Hussein Obama and Hillary have only murdered people. Bill Clinton has only raped women. Trump said deplorable things.
- If you don’t agree that Trump has said deplorable things you are “someone who I would consider a racist and sexist” says the fat little white girl. This is based on her 20 years of life experience, 10 years of which she spent pissing her pants.
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