Stating The Obvious – 0068
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The question is, can Hussein Obama walk on water?
We continue with men fighting gender violence. Since most sexual perpetrators are men, it’s okay to single out men. Yet since most terrorist are Muslims we can not single out Muslims. Checking out girls “devalues” them. To a femi-nazi looking at a women is sexual assault. If you women are really so fragile that someone looking at you is harmful to your ego how dare you think you are equal to me? Are women really helpless when confronted with issues such as being looked at? And if she is so traumatized by being looked at, why is she dressed like a whore? Of course government, liberals and religious people want women to be helpless & fragile – that way women need government, liberals and religious people. “The government, via legislation, can heal fear.” This is what liberals believe.
The CSU Green Man. How much paper is that wasting? Save the Earth with nuclear power. But no, instead you can pay $20 extra when living in the dorms in order to get wind power. The only green CSU is interested in is money.
CSU imported fake snow in October so students could snowboard in the plaza of the student centre. CSU, LOCATED IN COLORADO!!! FUCKING IMPORTED FAKE SNOW!!!!! FAKE SNOW, IN WINTER, IN COLORADO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU FUCKING DUMB FUCKS!!!!!
Reduce carbon emissions by 80%? Really, and which 80% of the economy are you eliminating to achieve this?
Back to killing the poor. Freeloading of a union is “wrong” but freeloading off society is “right”. Free-riders, people who collect benefits without paying. Like welfare parasite you mean? How the fuck to welfare recipients have plasma TVs and ipods? How about if the fucking poor people pay their fair share?
Then there is corporate welfare. For sports teams no less. Sports teams are just corporations. I know you want to suck John Elway’s dick, but the Denver Broncos are just another corporation. Plus, the Superbowel is rigged. The football team owners (CEOs) already know who is going to win each Superbowel before it’s played. Taking money from the taxpayers to build a stadium is a benefit?
The Personhood Amendment in Colorado. There is no evidence for evolution, but we can scientifically prove life begins at conception. Of course . . . There is a difference between “life” and a “human”. She believes there would be no immigration debate in the U.S. if we didn’t have abortion.
The problem with democracy is that people are stupid.
Affirmative actions is a “special advantage”. So says the supporters of affirmative action. No one who is black can be allowed to be successful without help from affirmative action, because if one person can do it, others can do it – then suddenly you have some people who are capable and others who are not capable. Equality will not be allowed. If people are not smart enough to understand the amendment, should those people be allowed to vote at all? Not just no, but fuck no.
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