Stating The Obvious – 0066
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Every day Obama thanks god for white guilt.
I’m pissed today. May of you are offended . . . But many of you offend me because all you can do is go through life looking for things to be offended by. You are total fucking losers. You are sheep. You are stupid. Your existence offends me. Fuck you and fuck your god.
Why do I refer to Hussein Obama as our first affirmative action president? I’ll explain.
You want to find people who hate freedom? Go to congress. That’s where you will find them.
Then there are the Jews. If you disagree with one they bring up the holocaust. Then there are liberals. If you disagree with one you are a racist. Then there are Christians. If you disagree with one they quote the bible. All of you fuck off.
Here in Fort Collins the government regulates the ground cover in your yard. Specifically what percentage of your yard must have grass on it. But wait, it gets better. The government will provide financial assistance to poor people in order to get grass on at least 20% of their yard. The government will take money away from people who work and give it to people who don’t work so they can have grass in their yards. And why do poor people have yards? If they are too poor to afford a box of grass seeds how the fuck can they have a yard? Everyone I know who has a yard has a house. If you have a house how fucking poor can you be?
How terrible can it be to be poor or handicapped in the United States? In many other countries poor people are dying of starvation. Doesn’t happen here. In many other countries handicapped people would be left in the forest to die. Doesn’t happen here. Shut the fuck up poor people & handicapped people. In the United States the government takes money away from people who work for a living and give it to you so you can sit at home and eat.
You want to save the Earth, you want to save the environment? Let’s kill all the parasites. Let’s kill all the people who don’t contribute to society or the economy.
Animal rights laws in Switzerland.
And who the fuck are you people who own dogs?! Why do you put your dog shit in plastic bags and then leave the bags by the trail? Do you expect someone to come behind you and pick that up? Do we need a fucking government program to solve this? Do you think the plastic bag will bio-degrade? How fucking stupid are you people? Maybe we could hire the fucking poor people to pick up your dog shit and pay them with grass seeds! Fuck you dog owners. Fuck you!
MLK day march, yet again. I do this every year. It’s important every year to reinforce the white guilt.
Then there is HIV/AIDS – listen as I totally fucking lose it.
Minorities are totally helpless and white men are Gods. “Younger populations, women and minorities are at increased risk.” Does this not imply that white men are superior? Yes it does.
Inadequate education regarding AIDS? What the fuck is going on during those 12 years of public education? What are they being taught? Poverty does not cause AIDS dumb-fucks! Behaviour and a virus causes AIDS. You people are stupid! CSU Campus AIDS Memorial – 10 people showed up.
Pick up your dog shit. Poor people don’t have yards. Use a condom when you fuck. All white people are racist.
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