More Death By Suddenly
Got these links from Common Filth. I remember when I was in high school. High school & college athletes were dropping dead all the time. Two in one week. This is normal. This has always happened. To question the commonality of young athletes dying of suddenly is racist. You don’t want to be racist do you? Nurses are heroes. Fat is beautiful. Some women have penises. Both of them were coloured. Where is BLM on this? Drexel basketball player Terrence Butler was found dead in his apartment Wednesday morning, the university announced. Butler was entering his third season at Drexel … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0007: Judge Amy Cuck Barrett
It was a good day. The Supreme Court of the United States was short a (((Jew))) and a womynz. Of course it can’t last. Nothing good ever does because womynz always show up and ruin it. The Notorious RBG migrated from her judicial chambers to Hell where she will spend the rest of eternity being gang raped by the souls of all the babies she helped murder. With the victory of pancreatic cancer over Ruth Bader Gonesburg begins the circus of nominating a new Supreme Court Justice. What with the Trumpenfuhrer being literally Hitler and refusing to disavow white supremacist … Continue reading →
BOI and YAWALT Crossover – Neon Hair “Libertarian” Womyns. Shut Up And Make Me A Sandwitch!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:52 — 11.0MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSI know. I hear it all the time. Not all women are like that. Yes. Yes they are. And the more they attempt to virtue signal they are not like that the more likely it is they are like that. Want evidence? Of course you do. You want evidence like I want volleyball chycks. I give you “libertarian girls”. Any women who calls herself a libertarian is broken. A non-broken women will outright tell you she wants and expects free stuff in return for nothing other … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0006: CNN, the Clown News Network. #FakeNews #FraudNewsCNN #CNNBlackmail
I keep thinking CNN can’t get any stupider. And I’m the one who keeps reminding my listeners to never underestimate the stupidity of the sheeple of the United States. Speaking of stupid people. Let me talk to the statists in my audience for a moment. You know who you are. You are the dumbass who says things like “We need the government to protect people from the corporations.” CNN, a corporation, is blackmailing and controlling the speech of a free citizen. Where is your fucking government protection now? Nowhere to be seen. I keep thinking CNN can’t get any faker. … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0005: Garrison Keillor. Liberal Elitist Goes Full Retard.
Up-fucking-date bitches and bitchettes! Garrison Keillor, whose stories of small-town characters entertained legions of public radio listeners for 40 years on “A Prairie Home Companion,” became another celebrity felled by allegations of workplace misconduct on Wednesday when Minnesota Public Radio terminated his contracts. The joy that flowed through my body upon reading this can not be described with words. Back when I was a left-wing statists I use to listen to NPR and A Prairie Home Companion. Then I became a right-wing statists and stopped listening to NPR. Except when I needed a laugh. I still listened to A … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0004: Why #Resist on @Meetup You Ask? Because Hating White People Isn’t Hate.
I’m not sure how much more of the virtue signalling I can take. Did you notice how when Hussain Obama won the election twice most of the conservatives and all of the normal people simply got over it and went to work the next day. You probably didn’t notice because they didn’t go to work the next day wearing pussy hats and telegraphing their desperate need for attention. Since the Trumpenfuhrer kicked the Messiah out of the White (that’s racist!) House the virtue signalling has been out of control. Every left-wing statists piece of shit (as if there were any … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0003: Idiots Who Voted For Obama in 2012.
I get it. I really do. Joe Biden himself called it just like it was. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” Obama talked pretty. And you love the talk. Action (that involves you doing work) scares the fuck out of you libtards but you love some fucking talk. Obama is black. Half black to be specific according to DNA, genetics and science. But you libtards don’t like science and you don’t like white people so you focused all your attention on … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0002: The Young Cunts. I Mean Young Turks.
I haven’t seen many things as pathetic as the Young Cunts. I mean Cunt Turks. I mean Young Turks. Sorry about that. Cuck Uygur and Ana Kuntsparian are prime examples of what I’m talking about when I explain that Natural Selection needs to be allowed to do what it’s intended to do and remove the parasites and inferiors from existance. The election night melt-down is classic beyond words. Here is the short version. Here is the long and entertaining version of the YT election night melt-down. “Feminist doesn’t like numbers.” Ana asserts the polls don’t mean anything. That’s why … Continue reading →
Basket Of Inferiors 0001: Every Stupid Bitch Attending The Stupid Cunts Who Hate Heterosexual White Men With Jobs March on The Trumpenfuhrer’s Inauguration Day.
The other day while contemplating how all the roads would instantly vanish if the governemnt was shut down in my favourite coffee shop I was also listening in on the conversation between a beta male and a liberal arts degree, “I work with children”, cock carousel riding SJW Millennial female. Nearly every sentence she birthed from her pie hole was laugh inspiring the best one was this. Speaking about her intention to protest on the Trumpenfuhrer’s inauguration day she said: “I’m going to protest to let them know we are still here.” We know you are still here you stupid … Continue reading →