Beware the fisherman who’s casting out his line into a dried-up riverbed.
But don’t try to tell him, ’cause he won’t believe you.
Throw some bread to the ducks instead, it’s easier that way.
I feel like an alien, a stranger in an alien place.
— Genesis (the band, not the Biblical chapter)
Anarchy Moment 0356 – Early Morning Ranting In The People’s Republic of Fort Kollins.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 31:46 — 60.2MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThe Great One talks and talks and talks and talks. About what? You think I remember what I talked about? I don’t. There is some stuff about weather, lightening, working, idiots, the CSU Collegian, and fixing my car. This episode actually contains useful advice about how to reset the computers in your car and fix problems. I know it works because I did it. Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to … Continue reading →
Yes All Women Are Like That 0032 – E. Jean Fired: Episode II – Orange Man Bad! Believe Womynz Truths! Exclamation Mark!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 55:02 — 53.0MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSIn this episode we wrap the the high school level drama of E. Jean getting fired. That’s what happens when you expect womynz to behave like adults. And don’t forget, Orange Man bad! Bad Orange Man! Source material for this episode: Call it “satire” if that helps you sleep at night. We all know that Men > Women. It’s a biological fact. Send some commies to Canada. They said they would go if the Trumpenfuhrer was elected President but they are too dumb to figure … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment #0035 – The Only Thing Feminists Have is Other People’s Money
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 30:04 — 56.1MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSAnarchy Moment #0035 – The Only Thing Feminists Have is Other People’s Money A follow up to STO #152. More on feminists and their self centred child-like view of the world. A feminist is a person who can not improve his or her self and they know it. This is why they have the need to drag everyone else down to their level. This is why they love the State so much. Yes, men can be feminists. I call them femisymps (feminists sympathisers), some call them … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0613 – Fire! – Episode III: Aborting Faggot Unviable Tissue Masses (aka Saving Western Civilization).
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 52.2MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThe Great One is burning down the house in this three part series. In this episode TGO throws more wood (I said “wood”) on the fire: Who’s gotta match? ABORTION! Got your attention now bitches? The Great One (aka the founder of the Cynical Libertarian Society) is in full support of aborting (aka murdering) the children (aka future school shooters) of liberals (aka libtards) and single mothers (aka strong independent womynz who don’t need no man fish-bicycle). Who else is burning down the house? The Texas … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0620 – “Menstruators Are Referred To As Women, Which Is Harmful, Upsetting, And Downright Ridiculous.” Fagtag Some Men Menstruate.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:48:54 — 102.7MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSI hereby declare that hashtags will now be known as fagtags. Friends and enemies go get yourself a drink ’cause we are gonna be here for a while. The Great One goes down the rabbit hole and comes out in an alternate reality where strong independent fish-bicycle womynz are perfect and can do it all. Except for acquiring tampons. Period poverty is keeping womynz down. Lack of access to period products continues to be a barrier to girls’ education, and we’re committed to raising awareness, providing … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0168 – Story Time! Why There Was No Podcast On Friday. Tales From My Life.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:44 — 60.0MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSS“Oh Great One, where the hell was Friday’s podcast” you ask. Gather ’round the radio boys and girls and I’ll tell you tales from my life and make excuses for not getting the ‘cast recorded. The regular stating of the obvious will resume on Wednesday. Anarchy Moment 0329 – Post Therapy Podcast. Wuhan Wackos Wasting Our Time and Destroying Our Society. Anarchy Moment 0079 – An-Caps Are Born Not Converted Anarchy Moment 0085 – I Reply To Comments From Three Idiots Anarchy Moment 0010 – The … Continue reading →
WTF GO? Are you DAF.
Some of you might be saying “Great One, are you an idiot?” The jury is still out on that one. There are some strong opinions on that topic. However in the short term we can say that TGO does manage to fuck things up. For example TGO managed to publish the College Kid ‘Cast 0002 before publishing episode 0001. How TGO managed to do that I can’t say. Stupidity may or may not be involved. Let me make it up to you with some chycks. TGO’s Dance Card Is Full Anarchy 3:16 Says “Go The Fuck Outside.” It’s Christmas Eve … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0642 – BLM Riots Episode I: Chubby Pasty White Libtard Girls Treat Black People Like Rescue Dogs.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 51.7MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSAnnouncements: It’s a very sad day and The Great One has bad news. What do you get for $111? You get to choose the subject of an episode of the podcast. Do you want all the podcasts ever recorded by The Great One? In this episode: If you can’t stop yourself from eating, drinking, doing drugs, whatever – should you be driving a car? Women only understand the world if it’s explained in the context of Harry Potter or dogs. The riots. Anyone remember Wuhan Virus? … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0363 – Colorado Election Analysis Episode II: What’s That Smell? Sewage or Democracy?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 78.3MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSOnce again, with an added reason, why you (yes you) should vote for The Trump: 1. In the presidential election voting doesn’t really matter. The President is selected by the corporations, NSA, CIA, military-industrial complex, and so forth. No one could vote for Hillary and she is still going to win. Your fucking vote doesn’t fucking count you fucking fucktard. 2. For eight years the government agencies have hidden behind Hussain Obama’s black skin. They look forward to hiding behind Hillary’s cunt. Electing Trump will take … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0229 – Can You Hear Me? I Said We Should Gas All The Journalists.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 20:35 — 36.4MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSIn this episode: TGO just got out of bed and forms some of the most convoluted sentences you’ve never heard. Women at the 21 Convention. Cantwell attempts to de-platform his competition. TGO bitches about YouTube podcasting. Can you hear me? Link to The Southern As Fuck podcast I talked about. Buy stuff so I don’t have to send emails to journalists in an attempt to de-platform other podcasters like faggots would do. Spend your cuck bucks through my Amazon affiliate link at Then I … Continue reading →
RIP Bathroom Spider
My long time loyal listeners, all seven of them, who are all men (we know that because only men are capable of loyalty – womynz divorce rape you the moment they don’t feelz happy) might be wondering what happened to Bathroom Spider. Bathroom Spider for those of you not in the know was a spider who lived in my bathroom in The People’s Republic of Fort Collins. Bathroom Spider snagged a number of insects on his own. I also kept him feed when the natural prey vanished. He did too good a job of cleaning out the bugs in my … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious – 0068
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 18.7MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThe question is, can Hussein Obama walk on water? We continue with men fighting gender violence. Since most sexual perpetrators are men, it’s okay to single out men. Yet since most terrorist are Muslims we can not single out Muslims. Checking out girls “devalues” them. To a femi-nazi looking at a women is sexual assault. If you women are really so fragile that someone looking at you is harmful to your ego how dare you think you are equal to me? Are women really helpless when … Continue reading →
Linkage: 14 May, 2019 – Quick As Sex With A Beta Male #TheTriggering
Howdy. The Great One is swamped. Still. Linkage this week is gonna be faster than sex with a two pump chump. Women are unhappy because they deny reality and they deny their own nature. If women had the agency, intelligence, strength, independence and fish bicycles they clam to have they could change this. She is attempting to be facile here but all she does is reveal the grim and awful reality; for every woman getting older, a schoolgirl is approaching 18. For feminists and women in general this is awful news that must be pushed back into the far reaches … Continue reading →
Anarchy Moment 0080 – Seasteading Is Only A Short Term Solution
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 18:17 — 36.3MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSSeasteading is the idea of building a city on the ocean. This has been put forth as an idea for building an anarcho-capitalist society. The technology is sound and it would work in the short term. I will explain why such a city would either become another State or be destroyed. I do think establishing a seastead is a great idea and will serve as a stepping stone in the path to the final solution for an anarcho-capitalist society. This topic came out of the conversation … Continue reading →
Linkage: 31 January, 2016 featuring Neel Kolhatkar and Age Of Shitlords #TheTriggering
If you aren’t reading Age Of Shitlord ( you need to be. If you aren’t subscribed to Neel Kolhatkar on CensorshipTube ( you need to be. If you can hook me up with Cait Burley ( you need to do that. Marvel has completely jumped the shark. Its one thing to support women’s rights or to want more female representation in comic books; I think most people support that as well. However, for some reason, normal “equal rights” type of Feminism isn’t enough for Marvel, they have decided to adopt the crazy Tumblr-esque version of Feminism instead. Words like “mansplaining” … Continue reading →
Stating The Obvious 0270 – Diversity Is Good. Except For Heterosexual White Men Who Works For A Living or Catholics. Those Are Evil and Must Be Silenced.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:20 — 75.9MB)Subscribe to the podcast. RSSThe School of Social Work is hosting a Diversity Demonstration. The very first indication of a problem is that the School of Social Work exists. The victim-industrial complex always needs to create more victims to keep themselves in business. After all if there were no broken people then all the social workers would be unemployed. Left-wing statists college attending Millennials are terrified of any opinion other than their own. When a white girl wrote an opinion piece about how her ancestors experienced some bad times as … Continue reading →